Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Yes. If there is a will there is a way. Banning plastics requires huge political will, and we have just seen that, which itself is historic. The next big challenge is its implementation, which I believe would be successful, keeping in mind the growing consciousness of the society towards the ill effects of plastic pollution and the firm commitment of the government agencies to curb this menace. If the ban could result in reduction or plastic use (and thus waste) by 70 or 80 percent that itself could be a huge achievement.
• Yes, with the support of the public.
• Yes. We, the public have a very important role to play in the implementation of this ban. Let's refuse to accept/buy, single use non biodegradable plastics.
• Yes, by starting at a grassroot level. Every villages and colonies or wards must do away with the use of plastics and must declare no- plastic zone within its jurisdiction. Practical training on waste management must be conducted at regular intervals at villages and colonies. Proper check & regulation from government part is mandatory.
• If we believe we can, we can achieve no matter what.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• Impossible to totally ban plastic. It can only be curbed and recycled. It can only be banned when every public stands firm towards total ban because there is alternatives for plastic, but it's much expensive. My point is... I wish our government first create awareness about the use of plastic and the damage it does to us..then move on to next step with the support of the public. Nagaland is a dry state but is it really working?
• No, our society still needs more time to be civilised, starting from preacher to leaders.
• No, because we need to learn first, which we still lack. A personal experience, one morning I saw a man well dressed seated in an auto and just few metres away was a garbage collection van but he happily and very boldly throw away plastic from the auto he was sitting. So we need awareness first then implement. Another way is just Yes corresponding to the post.
• No. Lack of political will.
• No. Because the corrupt will steal money for the project, as usual.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• First implement wastage management properly.
• Awareness drive and providing alternative is a must. Wholesellers and dealers should be heavily penalised if still supplying. Once the band is imposed, people will find their own means of carry bags. Hope the good old jola will come back in fashion
• It will take some time to bear the desired result. But am hopeful.
• If only alternatives are provided for plastics materials. But let's be hopeful.
• Its not an easy process, but positive thinking is good, and before that there should strict steps where should the garbage should be dispose n collected by municipal...
• Nothing is impossible.. if we educate and learn from each other. But, the policy should be effectively implemented to get the best outcome. But to be honest, the law and order should not be for just Beautification. once it implemented should not be shaken..
• The current wisdom doing the rounds in Nagaland and around the world is, "forget the processed food packaging plastics, lets blame the plastic bag that carries them". Rain water harvesting and effective uses of advanced methodologies in harvesting rainwater is advocated in sustaining agriculture.
• Just like that, on the spot plastic carry bags can be effectively reused which subsequently reduces its wastage and production. Food packagings that comes in different sizes and even for a single piece of fruit is the neglected larger culprit and its effective recycling will pave way for further reusing recycled plastics in another activity. Alternatives are but bandaids in open wounds when effective and environment friendly recycling practices are not brought to light to the masses and the 3R advocacy only on a minsicule carry plastic bag continues. Effectiveness will be achieved when, 'Awareness generation on segregation and management of plastic wastes at home to their collection and the recycling processes involved and the final products produced through MINI - recycling plants using mini- recycling machinaries.' (Look Up "Preciuos Plastics" On Youtube and their Website for inputs on how to go mini.) Learned advocates be it from the private or public sector for a better tomorrow should always do researches before bringing to light a 'BAN IT' culture. Mind you, - "The plastic waste lying around us and in drainages did not jump or run away from us after saying "moilaga kaam toh hoishey, jai aseh teh malik" but due to our negligence on the 3R's and also the lack of awareness on alternatives and their effectiveness and also on management of un-reusable plastics.
• What is the alternative policy of the government to cope with the need of people that will arise after the banning of plastic? Simply banning without providing alternative to the citizens to substitute plastic, which is an essential material of daily life is not a great idea.