CUK 48th general meeting held

Kohima, October 24 (MExN): The Chang Union Kohima (CUK) held its 48th general meeting on October 23 at Hotel De Oriental Grand, Kohima with MLA H Chuba as the guest speaker.

Addressing the meeting, Chuba stressed the need to maintain unity among the community.

He also called upon the people to live on the principle of truthfulness.

Focusing on integrity as the main goal of the Union, he called for truth to prevail in the society.

The Union announced the new team of office bearers with Ongli Ngaku as President and S Hongkin Mongko as General Secretary for the tenure 2021-24.

Earlier, CUK President N Meren delivered welcome address and acknowledged the Chang officers for their support and efforts towards the welfare and progress of the community.

Onou Nguhlang presented special number while S Anungla pastor, CBLK and Aliba, church secretary CBLK pronounced invocation and closing prayer respectively.