Some of those who voted yes had this to say:
• Yes, the only hope for Indo-Naga political settlement is after Naga reconciliation. If the present reconciliation fails….All so called freedom fighters can dig their own graves. They will either all kill each other or the Indian forces shall now easily hunt them down.
• Where there is a dream there is hope. Where there is hope there is action which leads to making the dream a reality. Hope Nagas leaders act wisely for our common dreams.
• Yes, it is an absolute necessary for the leaders of the Naga nationalist to meet at this juncture to hammer out a final settlement on issues among the Naga brothers and sisters. It wont be wrong to say that courage and open mindedness among the national leaders is the pre-requisite to bury the hatchet among the Nagas and may God grant them wisdom as this may be the last opportunity to reclaim the glory of the great Nagas.
• Yes we want all group to become overground.
• Every bonafide Naga leader who genuinely care for the future of all Nagas should attend and reconcile. Naga public should deduce that absentees care only for their comfort.
• Yes, the Naga Reconciliation process has been moving along well, and the need to have the top leaders meet together is very important is the reconciliation process is to be successful in the long run. As a keen follower of the process I have noticed that unless the top leaders themselves commit to the process, their subordinates will take advantage of the situation. In a very sensitive process like the Naga reconciliation, it just takes a small spark to damage the whole process.
• Of course we support and we Nagas surely need and abide in Christ and his words – merciful, loving kindness, agape love, platonic love – Tops or mass or organized ones.
• My future depends on how the Naga underground factions respond to the Forum for Naga Reconciliation led Reconciliation process. To get the top leaders of the various factions is a very important step. Unless they participate, than what kind of reconciliation agreement will come out. The leaders if they are really leaders and if they really care for the Naga people and if they are listening to the cries of the Naga people, they will not hesitate to be part of this top meeting. The Nagas are tired and fed up with all the factional killing and Nagas today dont want to live in fear and suspicion from their own brothers and sisters. Its time to reconcile and the leaders must start.
• The fate of the Naga freedom struggle has reached a very important stage. Our divisions has hampered the Naga cause and has given undue advantage to our adversaries to exploit the Nagas. Our division is destroying the Nagas. Now is the right time for the Naga underground leaders to forgive each other and to bury their past and work together for the Naga cause. If they cannot do this, than they dont deserve to be our leaders. It will be better to have some other leaders who can bury the past and work for the Naga people. I support the highest level meeting because unless they meet and sort out their differences how will be move forward?
• we want an united Naga society!!
• There is no other way. The problem of Naga factionalism started during the the time of the present leaders of the different groups and so they only know what the problems are between them and so it is best that they solve it themselves. If the top leaders refuse to meet, it shows that they are narrow minded and selfish. It shows they dont care about the future of the Nagas. The Naga public are fed up and tired with these factions and unless they unite and reconcile, the Naga public will turn away from them and the Naga cause will suffer badly. It is best that the top leaders think about the future and meet so that they can forgive each other and reconcile with one another before it is too late.
• Without this...!! we are making our-self as Cripple
• It is not the time to be at loggerheads for petty personal reasons stubbornly sticking to ones own gun! It is the time to be far sighted and act on our common hope and aspirations.
• This will make the movement more effective.
• Reconciliation is the only hope for the Nagas. If our top leaders are too stubborn and egoist to forgive and reconcile with each other, the Naga tribes should consult with each other and they should choose one new Naga leaders who can negotiate with the government of India on behalf of all Nagas. How long will we live like this. Arent we all tired of paying taxes to 4 or five groups? We dont even know what they do with the money they collect. Maybe with the tax money they are feeding their families and building houses and buying cars. If there was only one Naga freedom government, all Nagas will not mind paying tax to only one group. Nagas will become strong. This is why Nagas need reconciliation. Our present leaders like Adinno, Isak, Muivah, Kitovi, Khaplang, Singhya, Senka and others are now all old-timers. They dont know the ground reality. If they knew the ground reality and saw how tired and angry the Naga public is with them, I am sure they will immediately reconcile. Our Naga leaders must put aside their personal differences and fight together for the common Naga cause. This reconciliation is the best opportunity and it may be the last chance. I hope our leaders will listen carefully to the people.
• Yes, forgiveness precedes reconciliation. We must stop killing and accept that only God has the authority to give and take life. Isak and Muivah and etc must stop giving empty promises.
• Yes. GPRN/NSCN? NSCN/GPRN? NNC/Federal? Accordist/Non Accordist? Unification? So confusing! Atleast one thing must be clear! Forgive, reconcile, live in a free nation!!
• Yes, I totally support unless they keep their promises with positive attitude.
• Yes, I support completely with all my heart. This is the only way forward for the Nagas. We Nagas have destroyed ourselves and unless our leaders change their ways, we are doomed as a people. The leaders must show they are serious about reconciliation by meeting with each other and forgiving one another. Nagas must reconcile, this is our only hope now.
• Yes, the need of the hour of such meeting is now or never. May He guide, inspire and bless our leaders both underground and overground. Amen
• Yes, One Voice, One Goal
• Yes for 3 simple reasons: 1) The summit does reflect the general will of the peace loving Nagas. 2) GOI capitalizing on Naga disunity would lose ground that leads to strengthen bargaining power at negotiation table. 3) It must be a basis for laying a remarkable foundation for an honorable and permanent solution of the protracted Naga issue. Since the journey of Common Hope has been in motion, cent percent right thinking Nagas threw weight behind FNR which as of now apparently heading towards fruitful conclusion though a major breakthrough at the outcome of this summit is unlikely, the expectation of peace loving Nagas are high and upbeat and so the factional bigwigs out to live upto that till the end or else failing to meet the expectations will perhaps badly dampen the confidence of all and sundry of Naga people. When we set our house in order and stand on our own feet and speak with one voice, then why not we can move heaven and earth.
• Yes, It must be, it should be.
• Knowing today that the three leaders: Singnya, Kitovi and Muivah have met, I feel that the course of Naga politics have changed for the better. Who would have ever thought or dreamt that they would meet. But yes they have met and they must be applauded for their commitment. I hope that with their meeting, all bloodshed will stop among Naga brothers and sisters and I hope that they will sort our all differences with love and respect. I feel like a new person just knowing that there three former enemies have met. Today, they are no more enemies, but brothers in Christ with one same objective, to work for Naga sovereignty.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• Without a common goal reconciliation just for the sake of it will meant nothing. Forget it.
• Reconciliation meeting has been going on & on....and like always it's not gonna materialise....all the high level organisations will meet, read out long ready made speeches...go home and forget all about it. What we really need to do is WALK the TALK.
• Because it will not change anything. Call me cynical. But thats the reality.
• I dont trust them. They dont seem sincere enough. They are interested in protecting their own territories, rather than defending the Naga country. I am very disappointed by their attitude. They are only blaming other and justifying their own actions. How can I believe them when they dont care about the Naga cause anymore? The meeting will not yield any result because they are not able to forgive each other. They are also serving their own interest.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• I want to believe, but its upto them to make or break my belief.
• Is it still going on? Will I go down the grave without seeing the result of all these talks? I am not sure if I should support. Will it make any difference? Don't ask...just do it!
• Who in the right frame of mind will say NO to the reconciliation meeting of the top leaders. This is very much needed. But I remain skeptical because Naga underground leaders are not known for keeping their words. They let the situation dictate their decisions. Our leaders are too emotional and are not able to reason with each other. They are living in their own kingdoms and dont seem to care about the Naga people and the Naga cause. I want our top leaders to meet, but I dont trust them, because their actions are opposite to what they say. Our Naga leaders have lost the trust and faith of the people. The only way for them to regain their lost glory is to reconcile with each other. This is the only way.