During the forthcoming Nagaland state elections, I will cast my vote according to:

Those who voted Political Party had this to say:
•    Perhaps, congress has a better political vision. NPF doesn’t know “Action speaks louder than words”
•    Vote for the party which performed best so far.

Those who voted Leadership had this to say:
•    There is no dearth of both able and incompetent leaders. It is only that issues remain interminably unattended to and unsolved to this day. The ending is just the beginning for the worse with our highly touted and much hyped visionary statesman whosoever assumes office. It is always the pot calling the kettle black.
•    If the there is a good and sensible leaders leading, there should be harmony in the lives stream of the government. But as I see it, the present governing body has a serious misgiving to the people of Nagaland which many people could not realized. In my eyes, they are failed. (Bringing only developmental works which they boast off)doesn’t mean meeting aspiration of the people. To bring home total peace and harmony which  is the biggest issue and most needed one in Naga society, but that is also failed miserably seen how much killing took placed between factional within this few years and even growing silence ism’ and favoritism is taking its root. So, it is very crucial for the Naga people to go on in this pace, we need a leader of perspective.      
•    Because the authenticity of any political party’s manifesto or promises based on any issues will depend on the leadership of a “person.”
•    Quality leadership is important.
•    Because there are very few able, educated and conscientious leaders in our state.
•    We need capable leader
•    We need to see the commitment and efficiency of the candidate
•    Infact, I don’t want to talk about Nagas’ self style of leadership but true that everything has become political based. People who can lead the Nagas to a higher level of advancement should lead the Nagas... Leadership involves everything. We need servant hood leaders to lead Nagas in the next. 
•    Leadership is the essence for taking up the job.
•    Because in Nagaland, issues and political party or its manifesto have little meaning if the Leader or the Politician  is simply a puppet or a mop , unable to think or speak,  let alone understand the dynamics of political strand.
•    B cos party does not matter to me I want a capable person so I will go for the leadership. Thank you
•    Leadership is a must
•    Because I strongly believe in truthful leadership.
•    Party by name is clean, whereas leader as human is corrupt. Its leader who scarface the party image, not the party..

Those who voted Issue based had this to say:
•    Nagas have for so long voted only on the basis of political party or leadership, and have ignored issues. This is one of the reasons why Nagaland still lacks in so many areas. It is time to vote on the basis of issues, so that the voters can do something for Nagas through their votes.
•    When the public shows discontentment over bad roads, irregular power supply, corruption, weak education system and so on, these are all signs of that the Naga electorate are raising concerns over very specific issues. Likewise, it is time that we Nagas vote on the basis of what each politician would do on the different issues.
•    We have had enough of promises and party bickering. What will safeguard the interest of the public is for all the Nagas to cast their vote on the basis of issues.
•    Democracy cannot be exercised when people vote on the basis of political party or for that matter even leadership. True democracy happens when people vote on the basis of issues, and then hold the party and leader accountable for their responsibilities on the issues.
•    Elections are about voting on issues. The issues form the mandate for the next government to prioritize its policy.

•    Political party, it use to be, but today I stand totally disillusioned. It’s a damn shame that politicians are their parties are the most untrustworthy and unreliable people around. Their high flying, rainbow hued promises are abruptly forgotten as soon as they’re elected and our fair State goes down the drain, while the elected elite get richer. But on the other hand, maybe we get a new crop who’d work for the bettermentof all. Ah well, hope springs eternal, eh!