Garbage: Do you think that segregation of wet waste and dry waste should be done by individual households instead of the municipal authorities? Why?

Some of those who voted YES had this to say: 

•    Yes... It will make the work of municipality easier. An awareness program of its advantages can go a long way.
•    It’s akin to asking, "Do you want a good life? Why?" Once upon a time, our parents would collect food waste in one bin (of course for pigs) and all others in another. If they could then, why not now? It is a necessity and we must segregate.

•    For sure segregation must be at source – in the household. Plus, the items like plastics and bottles etc should be cleaned and rinsed of organic matter like food drink etc. before placing in segregation bins. This makes immediate recycling possible by the municipal authorities. If segregation happens with unclean packets/containers etc it is pointless as then recycling is not possible and everything lands up in the landfill/dump and the whole exercise becomes a waste of effort!

•    Segregation should be done by individual households. Municipal authority has its own work to handle after that. There should be a proper waste management. Govt/Municipality has to train/initiate awareness in the colonies.

•    Yes... It should be done by individual households but again the municipalities should have the required separate dumping vehicle for collecting it as in Dimapur the DMC has distributed separate bins for wet waste and dry waste but the dumping vehicle is not equipped to collect it separately.

•    Yes. Segregation of waste should start from each household because it’ll be easier for municipality to handle the waste. Also, we should segregate recyclable and perishable items. And I would suggest the municipality to educate the people about waste management via awareness campaigns or publishing articles on waste management so that people will know their duties. 

•    Yes. It will be much easier if the households do it. Primary treatment should from the source itself.

•    Yes. Why because cleanliness comes from a good household.

•    Yes. Because if it's already mixed then a lot of dry waste (except plastics and metals) will end up becoming wet waste. Municipal authorities can also provide segregated bins in localities.

•    Yes. Citizens or the public has a role to play and this is one way individuals can contribute for better waste management.

•    Yes, responsibility lies with the individual households. Mixing up the two effects the garbage collectors workforce as well as it hampers the healthy disposal of such waste.

•    Yes and in the meantime municipal should dispose properly

•    Segregation of waste should always be the collective responsibility of the family that generates it. It does not involve much effort but only a sense of responsibility.

•    Can very easily be done at home. Dry waste can be burned. Wet can go for chicken and pig feed and other non perishable can be sold off. We have been practising for many years now at home.

•    Yes it should be done by individual family because it's not a big deal to segregate the waste.

•    Definitely yes. Municipal has installed Blue and Green dustbins.

•    Better if done by households but municipal should provide a pair of garbage dumping durable plastic bins with covers to every colonies. The present state of wastes dumping is causing health and environmental hazards, wastes kept on roadsides are susceptible to stray animals, flies and further delayed collection makes the matter worse where some wastes starts rotting giving out foul smells. Wish something urgent is done in this issue by the concerned authorities.

•    Yes absolutely, look at Japan how they segregate their waste at home.

Some of those who voted NO had this to say: 

•    No. At the moment, forget dry and wet waste. The concerned authorities and department cannot even handle collection of waste on an everyday basis. When they cannot pick up waste from colonies on a regularly basis in a prompt manner, the onus should not shift to citizens alone. 

•    No. I say no because the basics of waste management is only being introduced at a rudimentary level now. For other societies, civic sense and waste management has been introduced very early and so segregating wet waste from dry waste has not only become a habit but they also get different bins for wet and waste so that it becomes easier for the municipal workers to come and collect it. A lot of education and waste awareness is required before you can shift the buck to the individual household. The municipal cannot just issue directives and expect people to follow it. Their approach must change. 

•    No. In theory yes it should start from the household. But we lack civic sense and we are not educated in waste management. So the education has to start from the concerned authorities. 

Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say: 

•    It should be done by individuals as well as municipalities. 

•    Both, Municipal and house (individuals).

•    Indeed segregation of waste should start from its grass roots, we as good citizens also bear this responsibility. Having said that, onus also falls on our municipality to distribute designated dustbins for each waste in each and every locality or colony. This is what I noticed in my past office tours to Austria & Slovenia. These European countries had installed big designated coloured (Blue, Green, and Yellow etc.) dustbins for dry waste, wet waste, glass, plastic etc in each of their streets in the city. It’s also been now implemented in many states in India too. It will greatly help the municipality in further course of treatment and disposal later on.

•    In my journey to many states in India Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata Bangalore, Jaipur, Bhopal Pune etc I have seen segregation is done at homes and municipalities come and collect compare with other cities and the people response how they see it and look into our side which areas need education on waste and where action is needed

•    The answer is not as obvious as we would think. Rationally, the segregation of wet and dry waste must occur at the source - meaning the consumer or household. But, the problem is that most of the consumers are not literate when it comes to waste management. They may be educated but not literate in waste management. So it will take time. Education on waste management should be introduced in schools, churches and so on. The municipal bodies must spend more resources through public advertisements and going from colony to colony. Finally, even if the households do segregate the dry and wet waste but DMC workers throw them in the same dumping truck than all these efforts would come to nothing. The municipal bodies must have different dumpster trucks for wet and dry waste. All this needs political will and some strategic planning.

•    Sometime I feel people having/with civic sense are no longer exist in Dimapur now, had there been responsible denizens Dimapur must have improve seeing the dedication and tireless efforts rendered by DMC thus far.

•    Cleanliness should start from the family

•    KMC distributed green Bins and blue bins for segregation of waste materials but people are using it for storing water. When I talked to some few they said... Nagaland teh itu kitya bhi naparibo... What we need now is proper sensitization and sanitation workers should refuse to carry any waste that isn't segregated.

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