Given the ground realities of the prohibition act in Nagaland, would you support “Partial-Lifting” of prohibition from the state? Why?

Some of those who voted YES had this to say: 

•    Yes. It’s a shame to claim that Nagaland is a Dry State. International and Indian Tourist are surprised that Nagaland is supposed to be a dry state. Let us not become a mockery. If there is partial lifting of prohibition than atleast things can be regulated and our young people don’t have to keep drinking adulterated alcohol.

•    Yes. The current one is not working.

•    Yes. I support partial lifting of prohibition from the state though I know for sure that the NBCC would not agree Look at what prohibition has done to the state. It was done with good intention no doubt, but as always Nagas jump into anything without really doing any research. If we (specially the govt) had taken a little more effort and done some groundwork things could have been different. We need to start by issuing proper liquor license, make it limited. Then introduce DRY days and impose penalties on those who break the laws. When anything is off bounds, it seems to be more attractive and that is exactly what total prohibition has done. Assam has profited because of our ban. Liquor barons have sprung up because of our ban. There are a number of shops selling mineral water on the outside BUT selling liquor on the inside while our good COPS look the other side. What is the point of total prohibition when we know that there is no prohibition at all? Please PDA government, do something and let CHANGE really come.

•    Yes because nothing positive changes is seen, except negative outcome.

•    Yes prohibition has not worked; someone is making lots of money by selling booze in Nagaland. Those who will drink will and those who don’t, wont, so why have prohibition when it’s not working?

•    Yes. Rather done away with the prohibition and take strict action against illegal selling of liquor. Not only will it contribute revenue to the state exchequer, but also reduce selling of liquor to minors.

•    Yes. Because prohibition only in the paper

•    Yes. The government and all the stake holders should give partial lifting a try. Let us admit that prohibition has failed and because of that it has had lot of negative impact on our society. To continue in this present condition would be suicidal. I think there is no harm to try partial lifting provided all the stakeholders (for and against prohibition) come together to form a committee to monitor the implementation of partial lifting. It should be tried for 12 months and then reviewed independently.

•    Yes. Under prohibition liquor flows in Nagaland like a flood. There is a bottle or two in the cabinets of every law makers, why fool yourself?

•    Prohibition, in any degree, is not worth implementing as we can see from the ground realities. Lifting of the Prohibition, whether partial or fully, just may be the sensible thing many have been looking forward to.

Some of those who voted NO had this to say: 

•    No, I would not want partial lifting. Just look at Mizoram, they experimented with partial lifting and now they are suffering for it. We should not be surprised if the new Mizo government will impose full prohibition.

•    No. Nagas are law-breakers; there is no law in Nagaland. Nagas are educated, but only the voice of powerful is heard in Nagaland. The Bible says, "Don’t even look at the wine, it will sting you.” Therefore only GOD LAW should be implemented in Nagaland.

•    No. First find out how the law is made only to be abused.

•    We are not able to regulate total prohibition, then how do we expect to regulate a "partial" prohibition? No. Not possible.

•    No. It's totally absurd to go for prohibition because there is no such machineries and willingness to enforce it. Reason being that, the enforcement agencies like the department of excise has only few workforce of around 400 including clerical staffs (240 field staffs). Secondly, apart from the church and woman bodies there is no much support from the masses. It should be kept in mind that, lifestyle habits and morality are difficult to be enforced. It should better be left upon the decision and wisdom of the individual.

Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say: 

•    I don’t think prohibition is the problem at all and so prohibition or no prohibition will not solve the problem. It is how we Naga men drink. We drink like there is no tomorrow. It’s our drinking habits that must change.

•    Nagas should buy spurious liquor from Assam.

•    Prohibition should be lifted totally.

•    If the tribal bodies and civil society organizations of Kohima and Dimapur District agree. I feel the government should lift prohibition in these two districts "Municipal Areas" on trail.

•    Even if government lifts, villages, ranges, tribes etc etc will oppose. No point in lifting when tribal bodies ban it.

•    I am yet to see any tribal body opposing lifting of NLTP act. If I am not mistaken it is only the Church Body that is against it. Those women org acting against liquor sellers are doing the same on the ground that Nagaland is a dry state. I'm yet to see them arrest and parade local brew sellers.

•    Alcohol is banned in lots of villages, even tobacco. What I meant is lifting prohibition all over Nagaland in one go isn't practical. It will be chaos. Just lift it from the towns and cities first. In those areas falling under municipalities and not under the direct control of villages. Lift it in Kohima and Dimapur for starters. Then if all goes well as in the other parts of the world where law enforcement can tackle alcohol related cases. Lift it elsewhere.


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