God bless people who protect the innocent and holy people

Zachive Thele

We do not live by ourself. But we live through the mercy of God our life solely depending on the Almighty God. One thing man look out-ward appearance and judge according to human standard. But God look at the heart, so we should be always merciful and keeps our mind clean, merciful. Our mind, our thought and our action should be clean and holy. We make company with man, woman, boy or girl. But our relationship with man should be always honest and righteous. Our relationship with woman and girl should not only be honest and righteous. Our relationship with women or girl should be healthy and spiritually pure and holy as well. I know I am a sinner. But the love of God is great and to woman is greater. We know our friend whether man or woman, boy or girl who are holy and faithful to God. We know them, and their, honesty, modesty and righteousness. And I am afraid of God that holy people should remain holy, and righteous people remain righteous. And I do not show the slightest sign of attempting to defile holy people specially female class-mate. I remember one Bible verse Our Lord Jesus Christ said, :If anyone causes an innocent person to sin and turn away from me, it is better for that man to be tied with millstone and be thrown into the depth of ocean:. This is a dangerous warning. So while I was in Kohima College and in Bombay University and in all the 6 districts of Nagaland while I was in active service, I have never intended to do any evil to woman or girl. And I hope God had saved me and my life from many dangers and I know the Spirit of God is with me. It is always with each and every believers all the time.