David Shoshani
One’s relationship is never like another’s. We each function differently no matter what our choices are. Two people can opt for TrueLove but experience that same choice very diversely in their own separate lives.
Why is that?
In our day-to-day lives we combine three main elements - mind, heart and spirit that are respectively our thoughts, our feelings and the spiritual connections that we form. Each individual manages the bonds that she creates while focusing not on the same element. That in turn produces different results that influence the quality and the nature of the relationships.
When one mainly functions from his mind, that is from a mental perspective to life, the intellect is given a prominent control over one’s life and therefore one becomes rigid and stiff in his attitude and behavior. One’s attitude then is characterized by certain objection to new ideas and by a propensity to conservatism that are the natural result of the mind’s fear to try new things that reside outside one’s comfort zone.
Alternatively, when one’s functioning in a relationship is done mainly from the heart with stress on the emotions that one has, then those emotions become the power that moves and motivates one. Everything is seen and experienced through the emotional filter and therefore quite often decisions are made out of a temporary impulse and with no preliminary thinking. An obsession for a past lover is one example for such uncontrolled and unmonitored emotional impulses. If we do indeed function mainly from our hearts we ultimately will perceive the reality from a very subjective point of view. Every occurrence is taken to heart and life becomes an emotional roller-coaster. Unfortunately, given enough time this emotional status will affect our physical and mental well-beings simply because the body cannot handle the intensive over flows on its neurological and immune systems. Those whose lives are governed by extremely high emotional levels tend to control others through their feelings. For instance, they may show much love towards others while they real (unconscious) purpose would be to strengthen their own self-esteem and to validate their own existence. Often, such people attract to themselves others with diminished self esteem and who generally do not feel worthy of living fully and joyfully. Therefore, the love that they were showered upon by the emotional individuals was something they really needed. However, soon enough that so-called love becomes a demonic prison and many efforts will be needed to release such restrictive relationship.
The appropriate way to handle a relationship and to successfully function within it is to unite the three elements. That is to harmonize the natural intellect with the natural emotions and to house both under the wings of the spiritual wisdom. Such condition will allow the receiving of new creative ideas and the exploration of various ways of living during continuous reinforcement of the personal intuition at the same time. Grander truths about the nature of the personal reality could penetrate one’s consciousness and cause the vision that the mind has regarding the essence of love and the nature of the relationship to expand.
When we learn to balance our emotions with the rational thinking and with the spirit, we then find the reassurance and the validation for our existence. We then learn that those two come from a deep place within us and not from outside source. We learn, finally, the meaning of self-love. Such inner-condition creates enough inner-security that allows the objective monitoring of our feelings. We no longer are swept away by drama that creates in us unexpected emotional responses and that in itself gives us enough time and space to observe our lives and the “unknown” rules that have initially created them. We then can boldly examine our real needs, wishes and desires and to sort those that come from narrow egotistical self and those that are born from the soul-level.
A TrueLove - the type that is created and operates from the mind, the spirit and the heart - is a Great magic. It does exist though and is indeed tangible and real, just as the sun that shines in the morning and sets in the evening is real. A TrueLove is feasible, is real, is seeable and is felt everywhere and always.
You, the reader - stop your reading for a while and ask yourself – to what extent do you trust who you are? To what extent do you appreciate yourself to be the God that you are? These two are the most important questions you need to ask yourself daily. Your answers to yourself will determine the extent of the benefit you can gain from our words. You must remember that the creation of your grandest dream about TrueLove should be simple and effortless; so easy and simple that it can be explained in four sentences. Remember also that it is no longer a question IF you ever will achieve TrueLove but merely WHEN you will achieve it. And that depends solely on you.
Our basic message has always been the same and it can be summarized into four lines. the way to create TrueLove in your lives is as follows:
• Breathe deeply
• Feel TrueLove
• Remain in your Now moment
• And understand that your TrueLove is already with you.
That is all. No more rules. No additional guiding principles are needed. Are you willing to accept this simplicity? Are you ready to abandon any rational old thinking about efforts and hardships? Your mind will battle the fact that it can be so easy. It will drive you to do something, to take the initiative and to actively search for your TrueLover. It will be very difficult for you to remain silent and patient and do the inner work until one day your beloved will knock on your door and announce their arrival.
The difficulty that the human mind faces, that is to go beyond its sensed reality and to allow the spirit to bring you what you want, makes it imperative and necessary to write, explain and detail about the path to TrueLove. This is what we are doing here, in our messages, and will continue to do in the next articles.