Google and Levi's connected jacket helps people with disabilities

SAN FRANCISCO, FEBRUARY 21 (IANS): A connected jacket designed by Google and Levi's has proved to be beneficial for people with disabilities who tried out the apparel.

The connected jacket with woven "Jacquard" technology allows people to connect to their smartphone and use simple gestures to trigger functions from the Jacquard app.

With this interactivity and connectivity built in, one can tap his/her sleeve to hear directions to their next destination or brush their cuff to change the song playing on their compatible music service.

Jacquard by Google is a digital technology platform created for smart apparel, footwear, and other everyday essentials.

Google said it worked with Champions Place, a shared living residence for young adults with disabilities in the greater Atlanta area in the US.

Residents at Champions Place tried out the Jacquard Levi's Commuter Trucker Jacket.