Some of those who voted Public Education had this to say:
• Public awareness is very important. Majority of the Nagas will not know and they will end up making fun because they don’t know what climate change does. The Power department has been saying that because of delay in monsoon, or because of the lack of rains, there has been power shortage. But many of us don’t see it that way. We only want electricity and if we get it, we are happy. Many of us don’t realise how climate change is affecting the monsoons or rainfall. So yes a lot of public awareness is needed. Just look at our vanishing forests. That itself should be a cause of concern.
• By imparting public education and conducting a seminar or providing opportunity from schools and colleges to students to campaign house to house as their summer project or internship.
• Mass conscientising will go a long way in tackling climate. Many people do not realise that normal but random activities of agro based communities can have huge impact on climate change.
• Public Education will be the best bet because people are ignorant about the fact that their activities and lifestyle can cause climatic change. For example, they think cutting down trees from their own lands for jhum or firewood is too negligible to be causing any harm to the environment. What they don't understand is there may be thousands of people who are thinking the same. So, at the end of the day, acres and acres of forest cover are removed thus causing major damage to the ecosystem.
• Deforestation is one major factor in Nagaland which is causing climate change. Enacting laws may not be practical because the land belongs to the people and every individual reserves the right to do whatever he wants on his land. So the best way is to encourage individuals and communities to have reserve forests. This will also ensure conservation of wildlife and biodiversity. The government can also encourage communities to take up afforestation programmes by giving them grants and aids. This will not only rejuvenate the wastelands but also control climate change to a large extent.
• Despite all the things that are being said and heard on the grim consequences of climate change, people still don't give a damn.
• Prevention of jungle burning along with modernisation of agricultural practice can go a long way in balancing the ecological system.
Some of those who voted Enact Law had this to say:
• Nagas need law. Sure many of us don’t even follow the law, but at the same time, unless a law is enacted on climate change, Nagas will think that the issue of climate change is not important. It is ironic that a law is required just to even acknowledge that the climate change is affecting our society.
• Just pass a law that should include lynching the person who is not capable of providing electricity in the peak summer. Imagine what the common man would do without the most basic of needs. The law should include stepping down from Power department if they are incapable of providing power.
• I think the public is aware about the climate change, but DOES NOT CARE as long as it is not affecting them directly. So it is better to enact laws strictly and see to it that the public abides by it.
• Make sure that LPG Gas cylinders are available to all consumers without discrimination. Then there will be less consumption of Firewood.
• Only through proper law then people can do the work, or it will only be misused by the ignorance and the selfish nature of the people.
• Nagas are a little stuck up by nature so enactment of strict laws would be the best step.
Some of those who voted Others had this to say:
• This question is too modern for the average Naga. Not many Nagas even know what climate change is because there is so little awareness created about it, and very little information. What is needed is very simple explanations on how the change of climate is affecting the Nagas. I feel once the average Naga realised how the change in climatic pattern is affecting the cultivation, he/she will have no choice but to take notice.
• Both public education and enacting law and host of other things are extremely important that we take steps now and I mean RIGHT NOW. I remember when I was little, the streams and creeks were non-stop flowing with spring water so fresh and lively. Water scarcity was unknown, what a blessing. But now look at Nagaland, everywhere trees are cut down as though there is no tomorrow. It is time or it will be too late to do something about it. I really think that each town and each village should plant trees in terms of millions to replace those destroyed ones. I believe deforestation is one major cause in Nagaland on the water scarcity. Government should take drastic measures to bring the green Nagaland back again. Those days Nagaland is covered with all kinds of green vegetation, lively, but now everywhere the land looks brown and dead and shaved. Nature runs in circle so we must maintain and preserve it as the scripture mentioned God entrust man to take care of the earth. It is our duty to preserve our world that provides for us. We need to stop all the logging and start planting various kinds of trees both ornamental and forest trees and I believe water will come back although it will take years. We have already destroyed what the nature takes years to produce. What I am saying here is ‘Lets not waste time; We need to take quick steps right away’.
• Awareness among the public, coupled with stringent enforcement of laws is crucial towards a wholesome approach to tackle climate change. Lack of awareness could possibly be a major obstacle towards this objective.
• It’s the climate in Dimapur that doesn’t suit to the Nagas. Other districts have temperate climates. If electricity is regular and enough, then there shouldn’t be any complaint about the climate. Just tell the people in charge not to eat away public funds meant for electricity production.
• Give regular electricity and the public won’t complaint about the climate. We cannot do anything for the climatic changes.
• Actually, there is nothing to tackle. Why ponder upon this issue? We Nagas have more greater things to discuss.
• I am a regular visitor on your site. But seeing the questionnaire today, I feel, the people involved in this paper should put up more practical polls rather than this type of questions which have absolutely nothing to do with anybody. The options are more pathetic than the question itself. Please update your polls otherwise you will loose many of your esteem readers and site visitors.
• What a question. And see the options? Do u think that the given options are applicable? What laws and public education do with the climatic changes? Do Nagas know how to listen to others? Please for God sake, never try having these kind of question for your Morung poll. Lastly, your options really sucks!!
• I think the person who came up with the idea must be having trouble with Dimapur climate. Otherwise what’s the point of putting up the stupid question?