For more than 50 years, India, with all her military prowess could in no way subdue the Nagas. In 1997, a cease-fire agreement was signed between the two entities. Even after more than 8 years of cease-fire and innumerable rounds of talks within and outside India, and with the participation of a third body, truth and understanding seem to elude India. You may ask why. The simple reason is that Nagalim is unique – her political struggle is akin to that of no other nation in the world. Hence there is every chance that the conventional style of political negotiations which have hitherto worked with other nations, may not work in our case.
Every Naga must not, in any way, forget this solid fact that God’s finger controls every event. Why, then, are we so quick to compromise? Why do we so easily get intimidated by India’s economic and military might? I say this to our shame. We have gone our own ways – “In the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit.” Yes, we are backslidden!
8 years of cease-fire has no doubt, brought respite to the Naga inhabited areas. But I see another powerful hidden force at work – love of comfort, pleasure, immorality and complacency combined with a false sense of security. This force is eating away at the very basic foundation of our uniqueness – our faith in the Living God and our brotherly love for each other.
“Lord, increase our faith” was the apostles’ prayer. This should be our prayer, too. For the faith we receive from our Lord Jesus is a saving faith as well as a living faith. This faith, when we possess it in full, can do wonders. Decrease of this will only invite fear, greed, hatred, an unforgiving heart, distrust and unwillingness to face reality, etc.
I have observed that these 8 years of respite has only increased ungodliness among the Nagas.
Firstly, sexual-immorality, adultery, fornication, divorce, prostitution, rape, abortion, homosexuality, etc. Secondly, injustice, corruption, tribalism, extortion, drunkenness, orgies, addiction, etc. Thirdly, ingratitude, murder, desecration of the Lord’s Day – where fasting days have turned into feasting days.
Our political solution does not lie in how much we know or how much we can do but on how much we allow God to work in our lives.
If God is with us, who can be against us?
But for God to be truly on our side we need total repentance. For he who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will receive God’s mercy. Let us remember – Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.
Pastor CM Joy
New Eden Prayer Centre, Senapati