Inter-departmental seminar in Sao Chang College held

Tuensang, September 1 (MExN): The Research Committee of Sao Chang College, Tuensang organized inter-departmental seminar on August 30. 

The first session held on the theme ‘Unveiling New Horizons’ was discussed by Shosinle Nyenthang, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sao Chang College. Through comprehensive methodology and applications, her research showcased the potential of numerical methods in addressing real-world challenges.

In the second session, the topic ‘Poisoning and Witchcraft Among the Nagas’ was presented by Dr Iris Odyuo, Associate Professor, Department of History. Her presentation provided illuminating insights into cultural beliefs and practices, shedding light on the intricate intersections of traditions and modernity in Naga Society. 

The proceedings of both sessions were led by Dr Limamanen Phom, an Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology. Dr T Lal Veda Chandra Kumar, Coordinator, Research Committee at SCC extended the vote of thanks. Dr Aola Supong, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry was the Rapporteur.