Those who said YES had this to say:
• It’s patently reflected in the enduring miseries the common people are subjected to everyday. Measures on a war-footing need to be undertaken on all fronts. The public needs to be more vigilant and stridently vocal for ushering in changes and not vegetate. It is incumbent upon those in power to faithfully abide by their pledges to deliver the goods and not remain sheltered in Ivory Towers. Nagaland, a Christian state, is a paradox and will be a burden-stone for all Nagas.
• Yes, the Nagaland government is taking the public for granted. Just look at the state of the roads and the lack of power supply. When minimum essentials are missing and the government is receiving lots of money, who can say the people are not being taken for granted.
• Yes definitely, there hand made machine in a way, where the public by and large are turned into a puppet, with promises and vows that are never meant to be kept under the so-called aristocratic politicians. They the Govt take it as records that are meant to be broken, befooling the innocent and pathetic public on and off their so-to be pitches without realizing what on Earth they are made to serve for.
• Wonder how long before the public finally says, enough is enough!!! Agreed, we are a complacent lot, but how far can we be pushed??? Is the government willing to see the threshold limit???
• The government thinks that they are the boss of a company and the publics are the employees working under them.
• Yes, the government is taking the public for granted! Those who have no political or underground backing are being taken for a heady ride!
• Both politicians and bureaucrats of Nagaland government are taking the public for granted. Why? 1) Majority of the public are too complacent and passive. 2) Many civil societies and NGO leaders are mere puppets of politicians.
• Yes, Nagaland government is taking the public for granted, because politicians and bureaucrats are just like a paid servant of his master, and no politician and bureaucrat have liberated mind and vision.
• Yes, too much of manipulation, hand in gloves, they are like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
• In fact they are taking public for a ride!! This, our government should know “ultimately, it’s the powerless who have all the power.”
• From the ground of education we can clearly say that the govt is taking the public for granted... We, as students find it very difficult to adjust with the education system once we come out of Nagaland... They should create the main interest to promote the education system in Nagaland so as to meet the standards of the outside world from Nagaland.... We can see some progress in uplifting the spirits of the youth but that is not enough.... Also, to say that we are lagging in sports for which is also the credit of the govt..... The govt is mainly interested in self promotion than in the general public.
• The Naga public is very ignorant of the indirect dismissals from the Government. People need to rise up from the dead rock sleep to show them how much more potential we have than them.
• Because people do not know their basic rights. People should know that the government is always for the people and not for self aggrandisement. Once the government knows that people are conscious of their rights, not merely providing votes for them, the government will have different attitude and be on their toes for any progressive developments.
• They don’t even know the meaning of “public” for a start. Once nepotism is removed, they will see the public eye to eye.
• Yes, because all major decisions which has a direct affect on the people are being taken without even informing them, let alone consulting them. The delimitation, deployment of 9th IRB to Chattisgarh etc. are some examples.
Those who said NO had this to say:
• Not only are Ministers and MLAs misusing public funds, but it is the bureaucrats who encourage them by authenticating fraud bills through shortest routes. What a daylight robbery it is! Do they think public is not aware that most of the Boleros, Scorpios and Taveras in Nagaland, bighas by bighas of land and multi-storeys at Kohima, Mokokchung, Dimapur and abroad, are shamelessly procured, acquired and built with the funds meant for the public? Because we are illiterate, innocent and poor our only prayer to God would be to hear them soon admitted in Vellore hospital, Dibrugarh, Bethel or any (5*) five star hospitals in India to grant them solace and comfort.
Those who said MAYBE had this to say:
• Earlier, I was quite supportive of the present government thinking that they will bring a holistic change: wipe out corruptions (more transparency), improve law and order, better infrastructure... something new for the society. However they are not much different than the past congress government. The only difference was this present government got more money that helps them to invest something that can be seen....if not what’s the difference? We still need a leader who has the courage to change the present lethargic government operations.
• Maybe in some areas. Development is seen in many areas, but not in Power department at all.