Landowners to shut down JNV Lumami

Lumami, March 31 (MExN): The Landowners of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) Lumami today stated that it would resort to shutting down of all activities in JNV Lumami as issues pertaining to the school are not heading to amicable settlement despite repeated assurances. 

The landowners have had numerous meetings with the District Administration and Navodaya Vidyala Samiti (NVS) officials regarding issues of JNV Lumami, and were assured of amicable settlement time and again, maintained a press release from Z Hekishe Zhimomi, a landowner. 

In its last communication February 12, 2022 to the Deputy Commissioner and NVS Regional Office, Shillong, the landowners put forth several proposals and to honor the meetings that were held in the past. Failing which, it claimed would “have no option but to shut down all activities in the JNV Lumami and that full possession of the land will be restored to the Land Donors.”  

As the deadline has expired without any response from the NVS, the Landowners of JNV Lumami would be undertaking the same, and the landowners will not be held responsible for any untoward incident, it said. 

Further, the JNV authorities are asked to vacate the premise along with office properties within seven days with effect from April 1, it added.