At the outset, it would be in order to pay homage to Late Mr Horangse Sangtam, a son of the soil, a good leader and a great human being, who worked tirelessly for his fellow Nagas, although his election and tenure as President Naga Hoho remained extremely controversial and unacceptable to many sections of the Naga society. May his soul rest in eternal peace with the grace of Lord Jesus Christ.
But the vital question now is who will be the next President? Although this inevitable answer has to be found sooner than later, certain important basic issues before are to be thought of before we arrive at the final decision.
Naga Hoho was meant to be the most important tribal body for the Nagas that could be looked up to for any and every issue of importance. Not so any more. Controversies have creped up and reservations have regularly been expressed over the personal and institutional / group affiliations of those holding responsible positions in the general body and apex body, earlier by the public and tribal bodies, and recently even by leaders like I K Sema and the CM himself.
The elections in April postponed, enabling manipulations, and the end result far from satisfactory and many tribes opposed / rejected the same unanimously. How many Nagas does Naga Hoho truly represent today, and how well it faired in its duties? Keeping people in the dark, partial behaviour, distinct leanings and a secret agenda are too glairing to be overlooked. Sangtam’s expelled Horangse, and NSCN (IM) prevented USLB meetings. Is there a link? Even a layman understands such simple issues. The persistent demand of Nagas of Nagaland for a separate Nagaland Hoho was driven by these compulsions only and the demand is still justified. The credibility has reached its lowest ebb, and Naga Hoho needs thorough cleaning to rebirth itself and live up to what it was designed for.
The least we Nagas can now expect and hope for is a new President and a new Team comprising of appropriate persons, duly considering the say of the people, leadership qualities, regional representations and a vision to lead the Nagas pragmatically and smoothly through these turbulent times. The President and his team have to be respected and accepted by all, to avoid frictions and usher in true unity and reconciliation in the Naga society. Instead of misleading the people, there is a clear need to bring in transparency, accountability and sense of respectability. The Reconciliation Commission which had been a debacle earlier also needs to be revived. Another long pending issue that needs visiting is a fair representation for women in this apex body. It is my humble appeal and I hope it does not fall on deaf ears. The selection of the new President has to be fair, and the individuals’ sort listed should be respected citizens who are above petty politics and capable to deliver the goods and carry the entire pack together. The election process should not be held behind closed doors in a secret manner, and all the tribal bodies need to play an active role.
It is also my appeal to all my dear Naga brothers to awaken from their deep slumber and not take things lying down. Only then will such bodies respond to what the common mans wants. The people have done enough favours (and suffered damage) by keeping quiet and not pointing fingers. Let’s all stand up and get counted, before the world laughs at us and vested interests turn our Hoho to their plans.
Asiba Sangtam