Padumpukhuri Village GBs clarify

Dimapur, October 3 (MExN): The Padumpukhuri Village GBs on Sunday expressed dismay over the unauthorised use of the GB title by one Kakuho Awomi.

In a press release, Head GB Soremo Lotha, GB Kikhu Semy, GB Nokin Longkumer, GB Imna Aier, GB Vihokhu Swu, GB Dhanpati Mech, and GB Shiutu Tikhir stated that while they had no objection to anyone showing and expressing concern and sympathy to their neighbours and villagers, “we disclaim and condemn him for issuing press statement as GB of Padumpukhuri village knowing fully that his GBship was derecognised by the Sumi community as per their Yezabo and subsequently, he was removed from the Village Council Office as well.” The GBs cautioned the aforementioned individual to “mend his ways as repetition may invite disciplinary action from the village authority.”