Schools in Niuland and Ato area waive fees

Dimapur, June 15 (MExN): Setting a positive example for the rest of the educational institutes, four schools under Niuland and Ato area have waived schools fees for one month. 

According to Ato Area Students’ Union (AASU), a meeting was held between AASU and proprietors of private educational institutions under Niuland and Ato area on June 3, 2020 seeking waiver of schools fees for one month. In response to the request, four schools have agreed to waive off monthly school fee for the month of April 2020, ASSU stated in a press release. 

Reginald Hughes Shaw Memorial School, Niuland and St. Joseph High School, Niuland, waived fee for 23 students and 6 students respectively while Modern High school, Niuland waived fee for all 160 students and Royal Academy, Khehoyi also waived fee for all 178 students. 

“The union is convinced that the school has set an exemplary role by mitigating the sufferings of our people during the time of economic crisis and also by ensuring that students’ community are well taken care off. The union further assures all possible help in our own capacity in days to come,” AASU adde.