Prof Manorama Sharma, Professor (Retd), Dept of History, NEHU
Guwahati, June 24 (MExN): Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Guwahati Off-Campus held its 10th Convocation for the 154 students who graduated in the year 2023. One student received PhD degree in Social Sciences, 112 students obtained their MA and MASW degrees in different programmes offered at the Off-Campus, while 41 students obtained the BA degree in Social Sciences (BASS).
The event was held at the Maniram Dewan Trade Centre Auditorium, Guwahati, in the presence of chief guest Prof Manorama Sharma, Professor (Retd), Dept of History, North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Prof Shalini Bharat, Director, TISS and Prof Sasmita Palo, Officiating Registrar, TISS, stated a press release received here.
Following the presentation of annual report by Prof Kalpana Sarathy, Deputy Director, TISS Guwahati Off-Campus, the Director of the Institute awarded degrees to the graduating students.
The chief guest, Prof Manorama Sharma addressed the students as social scientists who are ready to go into the world and “seek not only to understand society but also to engage with society at various levels to bring essential fundamental changes”. To the “young social scientists” stepping into the world with their degrees, Prof Sharma conveyed that a social science degree opens diverse career paths beyond academia, with opportunities in both private and public sectors to shape and explain societal values.
She further, urged the students to carry the importance of understanding gender “in the true sense of the term” to their communities, fostering a society where equal rights and opportunities prevail regardless of sexual orientation. She expressed confidence that “it is young scientists” like them and “important institutions like TISS which will play their roles in raising the society to those heights”.
Prof Bharat read out the address of the interim Chairman of the Governing Board of TISS, Vijay Singh. The Chairman lauded the graduating students for their progress in terms of capabilities and how they have become intellectually enriched and gained greater competencies than when they began their studies at TISS. He encouraged the students “to drop on the ethos of TISS-G for re-imagining the future.”
The vote of thanks was proposed by Prof Jagannath Ambagudia, Dean, School of Social Sciences and Humanities.