‘We are a Sovereign Nation’

Today as we celebrate the 63rd Naga Independence Day, I bring you greetings on behalf of the Federal Government of Nagaland. We bow before our Almighty God for His unfailing love and protection throughout all these years of trials and tribulations. We need to see Naga Independence through God’s eye, because His ways are higher than our ways. And may He shower His blessings and continue to lead our Nation.

On this momentous day, by virtue of natural and historic rights, our people declared to the world that the Nagas are an independent Nation on 14th August, 1947. This declaration was followed by the historic Voluntary National Plebiscite held on 16th May, 1951 which indelibly affirmed Naga National Identity and Naga Nation. Nagaland which was till then divided in two parts was united by forming a federation at the historic First Tatar Hoho, convened by the Naga National Council on 22nd March 1956. This Hoho also unanimously ratified the Articles enshrined therein in the constitution, enabling Nagaland thereafter to act with legal authority. Accordingly, NNC representing the then Naga Hills District and the Hongking Government, representing Free Nagas, freely and willingly merged into a single Federal Republic, as a result the Federal Government of Nagaland was set up. Thus, our political foundation rests on the will and mandate of the people based on the Naga system of democracy.

We have come a long way; the Nagaland that we love has not experienced real peace for over sixty years because of occupation by external forces. The Government of India while ignoring the genuine and ardent desire and Nagas right to self-determination adopted a policy of might is right and forcefully occupied Nagaland. Realizing that might is not able to subdue the spirit of Naga Nationalism; it has opted to use packages as a tool. From blatant invasion and military rule, the imperialist force to continue its illegitimate imperialistic rule is now using various “packages,” as baits to entice the Nagas. In the past some of our Naga leaders considered such packages as dream come true offers, fallen into the traps and committed blunders which became stumbling blocks in the history of Naga Nationalist Movement. A clear example is the so called 16th Points Agreement. We must not forget our history and we must not and cannot afford to repeat such mistakes. We must be cautious and alert or pay the consequences for lack of intellectual honesty to recognize the clear and present danger which threaten the future of Naga Nationalism. We must question ourselves whether all those blood and tears we shed, the thousands of lives we lost, here and in foreign lands, countless children orphaned and women widowed, is worth only these “packages” or were we struggling all these years merely for these “packages”?

We are a Sovereign Nation not by choice but by virtue of our indelible and inalienable Natural right, supported by the historic Declaration of Independence and reaffirmed by the Plebiscite which have formed the basis and shaped the course of our political movement. Whatever our adversaries may say; ours is a Nationalist Movement in the truest sense. We are the torch bearers of the Plebiscite. The Plebiscite cannot be undone; it is our people’s mandate and it will always remain supreme. We have also paid a heavy price with the blood of many national patriots. The credit for the world’s knowledge about the distinct Naga identity today goes to our pioneers, true sons and true daughters of the soil for the hardships and sacrifices they have made and endured. We will not betray them.

Today, let us pay our homage and remember the martyrs who have made the supreme sacrifice in the service of the Nation. In giving out awards and commendations to deserving national workers today, I salute all the recipients. May their exemplary deeds be a source of inspiration to encourage more patriotic Nagas in coming forward, to serve our Nation.

Today, our noble cause has been marred by the greed of few individuals and fratricidal killings. Unfortunately, it is a fact that today there are some people who join the National Service for purely selfish interests; it is these people who practice extortion through threats and coercion. These elements have tarnished the reputation of all national workers, development of negative attitudes toward the National workers as money hungry mongers to the extent of branding them as extortionists. Fratricidal killings in our society cropped up due to formation of different Naga political groups, having the same goal but use different approaches. The sacrifices and hardships being endured by the true dedicated National workers for the cause of the Nation are also being diluted by these elements. As a result of the initiative taken by the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) to stop this evil, the sounds of guns have relatively lessened. The COVENANT OF RECONCILIATION, signed recently seeks “forgiveness” and “resolve to work together in the spirit of love, non-violence, peace and respect,” gives a ray of hope in Nagas’ quest for peace and unity. A divided house defeats the very notion of nation, but if all Nagas can rise up with one voice against the injustices of the illegitimate and forceful occupations, how long can the aggressors continue to ignore and suppress the popular cry; will the rest of the world remain mute spectators’? Thus, Nagas irrespective of group and the Nagas as a whole must come together in the interest of the greater cause.

Together we can and together let us march forward till we find our rightful place in the world.


Brig. (Retd) S. Singnya, 
Federal Government
of Nagaland