Weather based integrated agro advisory for the month of July 2020

Total monthly rainfall received in Dimapur district during June month was 266.2 mm which was 12% more than the normal (long term annual average). The number of rainy days was 17.Keeping in view of threat of COVID-19 spread farmers are advised to follow the government guidelines, personal hygiene, use mask, ensure hand washing with soap at reasonable interval, social distancing during picking of vegetables and other agricultural operation in all crops.


Soil Science - Dr Christy Sangma

1.     During rainy season, rainwater harvesting is very important in Nagaland, as majority of areas suffer from water scarcity in winter season. This rainwater harvesting can be done through

*     Rooftop rain water harvesting in large capacity.

*     Water harvesting in farm ponds syntax.

*     Water harvesting in jalkunds.

This harvested water can be stored and used for irrigation purpose of crops during rabi season.

2. During this season, sowing of crops like green gram, groundnut and rice can be started with organic nutrient management practices.

3. For nutrient management manures like FYM, vermicompost, normal compost, poultry manures, pig manures and biofertilizers can be used.

4. For phosphorus management - phosphate solubilizing bacteria or rock phosphate can be used.

5. For nitrogen management- rhizobium, azotobacter or azospirillum can be used.

6. For soil acidity management - furrow method of liming is recommended.


Genetics and Plant breeding – Dr Harendra Verma

1. For weed management in upland rice, farmers should use 3 litres of butachlor as a pre emergence herbicide per hectare.

2. For weed management in lowland rice, farmers should use 3 litres of pretilachlorper hectare just 72 hour of transplanting.

3. Farmers should use seed from authentic source with labeled and seal to ensure its quality and should purchase from reliable source such as government and distributor of particular private company rather than vendors.

4. Farmers should transplant the rice seedling 21-28 day’s old seedling in main field for optimum tillering and better establishment in soil.

5. Maize should be sown only on those fields where provision of drainage can be done or water logging problem should not arise.


Spices and Plantation and Medicinal and Aromatic plants - Dr Azeze Seyie

•     In litchi, the maximum incidence of mites (velvety growth on the leaf surface enlarges to brown chocolate colour) is noticed during July-October, especially in un-pruned and poorly managed orchards. Pruning and removal of infested twigs/shoots just after harvesting of the fruit and before emergence of new flush followed by 2 spray of Chlorfenapyr 10EC (3ml/l water) at  15 days interval during July helps to reduce the infestation.

•     Weeding in Naga mircha plots and mulch it if it is possible with dry leaves/straw. Apply neem oil spray on alternate basis as to protect the crop against white flies, aphids and other leaf eating caterpillars. Use of sticky trap against sap sucking insects may also be done. 


Animal Science - Dr Mahak Singh and Dr Talimoa


1.     With the rising humidity, remember to keep the birds in stress free environment.

2.     Provide plenty of fresh drinking water and supplement with  electrolytes on very hot days.

3.     If birds like Vanaraja and Srinidhi varieties are being reared, fresh green grass and leaves may also be used to supplement the feeds for adult birds.

4.     Avoid overcrowding to prevent vent pecking, coccidiosis and cannibalism.

5.     Regularly deworm the birds especially free ranging birds. It is good to deworm birds before vaccination.

6.     Provide proper ventilation and keep the deep litter dry.

7.     Sick birds should be immediately separated and isolated from the flock and treated if necessary.

8.     Do not mix birds of different ages in the same enclosure.

9.     Dead birds should be buried or burnt. Do not dispose in open bins where scavengers can reach.

10. Always keep in touch with a veterinarian.



1.     Keep the pen clean and free from water logging.

2.    Protect the animals from direct prolonged sun exposure or rain.

3.     Deworm animals regularly on schedule.

4.    New animals must not be mixed up with resident animals immediately.

5.     Take piglets only from reliable suppliers. 

6.     Feed fibre rich diet to pregnant sows.

7. Keep proper record of the quantity of feeds being purchased and dispensed.

8. In case of diarrhea in piglets, in addition to anti diarrhoeals, provide oral multivitamins and energy boosters like glucose powder.

9. Unless necessary, switch off lights in breeder pens at night.

10. Spray the animals with cold water during hot days to help them cool down.

11. Always keep in touch with a veterinarian.


Fishery- Jyotish Barman

•    Feeding should be continued @ 8 kg/day/ha.

•     Follow the procedure of the previous month.

•     Constantly monitor fish activities and movement every morning, noon and evening. At early morning hours the fish may come to surface to gulp air or breathe. If such symptoms are observed, immediately mix the pond water by splashing or by pumping fresh water from nearby sources. If erratic movement of fish is observed, consult a fishery expert. 

•     Sometime there may be excessive growth of algae (algal bloom) due to manuring and leftover feed in the pond. In such condition, the pond water turns deep green/ brown and there will be layer of algae on the water surface.  Stop feeding and fertilization during this period till the bloom disappears.