What if the Anti-Conversion Bill were not Anti-Constitutional!

L Nisenyü, Kohima

It is gratifying to read in newspapers and see that our people are well informed and clear about the Indian constitution in relation to the freedom of religion. However, I have this nagging question in mind as to what they will say if the constitution does not provide such freedom. The Christians worry is not really about the constitution per se, but about meeting the right of every man to hear the gospel salvation through Jesus Christ.

Christians believe the Bible that teaches that “Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life” and that no one comes to God, the Father but by Jesus Christ. The Christian message is “for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”

Christians preach not because they want to swell their number with new converts, but because they are morally bound to convey the good news to all man- not to do so is an un forgivable sin to them. To communicate the gospel in the way people can understand and to expect positive response is the Christian’s position. He cannot force anyone to believe and convert, but that surely is his aim because he is convinced that that is God’s will for all man. No Bill or Constitution will stop him from doing so, even though a Bill against conversion will make the task very difficult and risky for his personal comfort. 

If only people like Narendra Modi, Praveen Trogadia and Rajnath Singh know the truth they should be most happy that their people are getting to know the Truth and they would have been impatient with the Christians and even blame them for not doing enough. Conversely, if they find many people turning to the gospel of Jesus Christ, they should examine their own religion to see if anything is amiss there.

In any case, all that the Christians demand is that they should have complete freedom to pass on the good news to all man without any hindrances, so that everyone will hear the good news at least once in his life.