DIMAPUR, OCT 26 (MExN): With reference to the incident on January 4th 2005’at Notun Bosti Dimapur, where Ilonglie Hau was shot by Kahoi (Under Secretary G.P.R.N) critically injuring her causing paralysis, The Zeliangrong Hoho Dimapur through a press release has informed that the Hoho held an emergency meeting on October 25 in line with the general meeting decision of April 2 over the verdict given by G.P.R.N. and the Hoho has decided thus:
(1) For the maintenance of peaceful co-existence and for the greater interest of the Nagas Nation, the Zeliangrong Hoho Dimapur acquiesce to the verdict and judgment of G.P.R.N (Kilo Affairs)as a mark of co-operation and,
(2) In true Christian spirit, the Zeliangrong Hoho Dimapur on behalf of the victim forgave once for all the crime committed by Kahoi and has declared this issue resolved.