Accommodate aspirations of all sections of Naga society: KU

DIMAPUR, OCTOBER 30 (MExN): All Konyak apex organizations comprising of Konyak Union, Konyak Konyak Nyupuh Sheko Khong, Konyak Studens’ Union, Mon District GBs Union, Konyak Village Council Union, Mon District VDB Association, Konyak Baptist Bumeinok Banjum, all Konyak Union units and Konyak Union Advisory Board Council convened a meeting on the Naga Political issue on Wednesday.

According to a press statement issue by Konyak Union (KU) president Howing Konyak and general secretary Wango Konyak, the meeting unanimously adopted a number of resolutions 

In the first, the KU called for a holistic, peaceful and honourable solution accommodating the aspirations of all section of the Naga society. It reiterated that the demand for Frontier Nagaland should included in the final settlement while claiming that past Naga political agreements have only brought adversities and instabilities to Eastern Nagaland. 

The KU while lamenting that had other Nagas paid heed to their call for “Unity first, Solution next” on the Naga political cause, Nagas could have an already achieved a breakthrough in its political aspiration today. It stated that Nagas missed many opportune political opportunities on account of our disunity and greed. 

The KU also appealed all Naga tribes to remain united for peaceful and honourable solution leaving aside all differences, jealousy, greed and misunderstandings and to embrace one another by forgiving and forgetting past misdeeds. It further appealed to all the Naga political groups under the negotiating table to come together and work for a common solution acceptable to all sections of the Naga society.

At the same time, the KU appealed the Government of India (GoI) to understand and resolve the decades old problem while considering the sentiments and aspirations of the Nagas. It stated that any solution reached should both be substantive and fulfilled in principle and not merely a hollow declaration. 

Further, the ASFPA should be lifted after the solution to pave way for a peaceful co-existence and to harbor developmental activities, it added. 

Taking in consideration the Naga political reality that the Konyak Nagas are living in both India and Myanmar, the KU appealed the GoI to initiate political talk with the Government of Myanmar for the integrity of the Konyak Nagas for coherent and vibrant society.

It also appealed the GoI for accommodation of the developmental needs of the Nagas in Myanmar in its Act East Policy in the form of its Foreign aid and grants.

The KU has also declared its jurisdiction as complete peace and non infiltration zone. It also directed all Konyak citizens in different political groups to be a part of the peaceful and honourable solution and to strive in accordance with its resolutions.