An evaluation of Christian Mission methods in context of various denominations in Nagaland

At the outset I would like to state that I am an interdenominational person. I am not writing this article in favour of any denomination. But through this article I would like to critique the mission methods which are being practiced by various denominations in Nagaland by abusing the article of “freedom of religion” enshrined in The Constitution of India. The most recent abuse happened in Anatongre village.  The Lord Jesus Christ commanded his followers to “Go and make disciples of all nations”. He did not command us to “go and steal sheep” nor to “go and break churches”.

Christian mission is about proclaiming the Gospel to unbelievers/ non-Christians by the believers. Therefore, when a village is already Christian and a church already exists why steal sheep and break churches? There are so many non-Christians in our state and the neighbouring states and countries around Nagaland; why not preach the Gospel in those places instead of stealing sheep and breaking up churches? I am not only speaking to Catholic Church alone but to all newer denominations who are doing sheep stealing and church breaking mission. Is Christ happy when an unbeliever is brought to him or will he be happy when churches are broken and divided?

In the Indian mission scenario these are some of the problems created by Christians themselves.
(The same is happening in Nagaland).

1. Conversion by wrong means- luring of non-Christians and Christians of other denominations by money, jobs, hospitals, schools, rice, blankets etc. For this kind of wrong motives Hindus and Muslims are very much against conversion in India. For Non-Christians it is simply a change of religion- it does nothing to one’s spiritual position.
2. Sheep stealing- when a denomination or organization ventures into an already existing church, they steal sheep of the existing church to form another church. It shows their ulterior motives such as, breaking the existing church, expand their particular denomination etc. There are several reasons behind it. 
*They do not know the actual meaning of mission; 
*they want to increase their denomination and not increase the Kingdom of God; 
*they want to gain more funds from their upper denominational heads. 
*They are also scared to go to the unbelievers to share the Gospel so they target the soft
  target through the means of education and medical facilities etc.
3. Shepherd stealing- not only sheep stealing but shepherd stealing is also on the rise. In order to increase their denomination they will approach some gullible shepherds with higher pay, vehicles, housing etc. and lure the shepherds.

These are some of the consequences of the above mentioned evil practices.
1. Disunity and disharmony is created in the locality where it is taking place.
2. Disunity and disharmony is created among the denominations.
3. A bad example is set and a loss of testimony in the sight of unbelievers.
4. Unbelievers are not reached with the Gospel.
5. Our Lord Jesus Christ is hurt because his body in torn and divided.

It is a high time for leaders of all the denominations to examine their mission methods and understand that Christian mission should be targeted to the unbelievers and not to the existing churches.

That Christian mission is about the extension of God’s kingdom and not the extension of particular denomination.
In this way harmony and unity can be preserved among the various denominations. 

Instead of disunity and unhealthy competition of sheep and shepherd stealing, why not come together and disseminate the mission methods and strategy of all denominations; choose the best and use it in doing mission to the unbelievers? We are surrounded by Assam, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Nepal, Bangladesh, Burma, China, Pakistan etc. Who is responsible to reach out to 10/40 Window? WE ARE RESPONSIBLE- all the denominations in Nagaland.

Therefore, let us leave these internal unhealthy squabbles and reach out to the perishing souls of the un-reached people surrounding us and together expand the Kingdom of God.

Sentimeren Longkumer