Change Your Frying Pan..!

Every once in a while we see someone with a far of look in their eyes, jaw locked with resolve and face steely with determination. The world laughs as they try to sell some far flung, huge, unimaginable idea. And then when we have all but forgotten them they appear again, millionaires or billionaires who have succeeded because they thought big.

When Henry Ford decided to produce his famous V-8 engine, he chose to build it with the entire eight cylinders cast in one block, and instructed his engineers to produce a design for the same. The plan was made on paper, but the engineers agreed to a man that it was impossible to cast an eight cylinder engine block in one piece.
“Produce it anyway,” said Ford.

“Impossible!” they all cried, because they could not broaden their vision.

“Just go ahead and do it,” ordered Ford.

The engineers went ahead. At the end of a year Ford checked with the engineers and again was told they had found no way to carry out his orders. “Go right ahead,” said Ford, “I want it and I’ll have it. They went ahead and then as if by a stroke of magic the secret was discovered.

Ford thought big and won, what about you?

Are you setting your sights too low?

A woman was watching a man fish on a lake. She noticed that he was reeling in a lot of fish but he kept the small ones and threw the large ones back into the water! She couldn’t stand it any longer. She called over to him, “How come you’re throwing the big ones back?”

He answered by holding up a little frying pan. “I only got a small pan,” he cried out, “so only small fish fit it!”

How silly, we think, but aren’t most of us holding up small frying pans? Every time we throw away a big idea, a magnificent dream or an exciting possibility, are we measuring it against a tiny pan?”

When our minds are small, when our imagination cannot see success, then we start throwing away opportunities. Change the size of your frying pan, think big and see the difference. Henry Ford had a big frying pan; a huge gigantic one that brushed passed objections of qualified engineers with small visions.

Author Brian Tracy reminds us that “you are not what you think you are. But what you think, you are!” Think big. Dream big. Pray big.. and look for big results. It all begins with changing the size of your thinking.

Can you imagine the immense possibilities, once you throw away your old frying pan?

Robert Clements is a newspaper columnist and author. He blogs at and can be reached at