Counter rejoinder to Jalukielo-Ghowoto villagers clash

The press item “Jalukielo, Ghowoto villagers clash” published in a leading local daily on 22-6-2011 carries contradictory statement deviating facts and circumstantial evidences.
That, on the fateful day, while Jalukielo villagers were constructing Village approach road, the coward attackers, now identified as so-called Ghowoto villagers, hiding under the cover of bushes ambushed the busy villagers without any intervention and fled away resulting into the serious injury of two Jalukielo villagers.  
It is worthwhile to know that had the Jalukielo villagers also retaliated to the ambush of Ghowoto villagers, as was alleged in the media, the Ghowoto villagers would have been surrounded and caught unaware. But the real encroachers and the experts of truth-twister had done it once again by distorting the ground reality.
The Jalukielo villagers never accused anyone without proof of validity for which the attackers were reported to the media simply as ‘unidentified group of people’. But since the assailants have openly admitted their identity in the media, we shall not leave any stone unturned to give a befitting lesson to prove our obligation in safeguarding our land from the hands of illegal encroachers.
As such, we shall uphold our committed allegiance towards the land owner (old Jalukie Village) in particular, and the Zeliangrong community in general; and we shall never submit to any force that obstructs our rights. We are now left with no option except to paw our iron hands on our aggressors which we know will surely intensify communalism and bloodshed in our Naga society.
Every Naga tribes have their own distinct demarcated domain generally accepted by one and all.  But the press note purportedly issued by the so called Ghowoto villages from Sumi tribe terming Jalukielo villagers in the district of Peren as ‘encroachers’ holds no water and is disgusting since every sensible Nagas are fully aware of ‘who is who’ in Nagaland. Such baseless comments and unprofessional fabrication of the truth is a mockery which directly implies their readiness to aggravate and disturb the hard-earned peaceful coexistence for which the Zeliangrongs are ever ready to sacrifice and defend their God-given land at any cost.
Time and again, the Jalukielo villagers have restrained and tolerated themselves with the good hope that these hypocrites will back and pack up. But sadly, these cursed breed whose conscience are blurred, have never re-examined their own actions and have taken advantage of other’s toleration as weakness that we eventually become victims of such fools games for the sake of our cool attitude.
But this time, since the monkeys have openly threatened the farmers to the extent of ‘bloodshed’, the farmers shall have to wipe out the entire monkey population from even eying on their farms, for which the farmers shall never be held responsible, as enough is enough.

Jalukielo Village

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