District level routine immunization strengthening training held

District level routine immunization and routine immunization strengthening training was held at CMO’s conference hall on August 9.

DIMAPUR, AUGUST 11 (MExN): District level routine immunization and routine immunization strengthening training for Medical Officers, Block Programme Managers, Block ASHA Co-Ordinators, Community Health Officers, Auxiliary Nurse & Midwife, and Vaccinators under Niuland, Dimapur and Chümoukedima Districts was held at CMO’s conference hall, Dimapur on August 9.

Dr GR Rio, Deputy Director, UIP presented the current status of Routine Immunization (RI) in Nagaland, focusing on Dimapur, Niuland, and Chümoukedima Districts. He reviewed the immunization status of each districts and health unit wise as per Health Management Information System monthly reports.  He further discussed issues in RI Micro Plan and MR elimination.

Dr Sheila Longkumer, SMO, WHO re-oriented the participants on Basic RI Micro Planning. She stated that some of the issues faced while developing a Micro Plan may be due to head count survey not done properly without which an effective Micro Plan cannot be made. 

Poor communication between ANMs and ASHAs while filling up the required forms is also another issue that contributes to a poor Micro Plan. She also reminded the health workers to mandatorily keep a hard copy of their RI Micro Plan in their respective health units. She also reminded the block in-charge to keep soft copies of all the Micro Plans under their block at the block level.

She re-oriented the trainees on how to calculate the annual target of infants and pregnant women. She urged the health workers to uniformly follow the ANM Roster and MO supervision plan and update their communication plan as well.

Kingson Kamkara, SPO, UNDP highlighted the background of UWIN which is a platform to digitized Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) to capture each and every vaccination of all pregnant women and children in the country. He further oriented the trainees on the U-WIN platform modules and presented a comparative analysis of HMIS and U-WIN from April to June 2024.

Rajesh K Monsang, RPO, UNDP while presenting the Mobilizer Module, also highlighted the status of health Units’ High Risk Pregnancy (HRP) linking with U-WIN. He stated that very soon all Health units’ HRP will be link in the U-WIN and also discussed some of the issues faced while linking the HUs to U-WIN. He further stated that even Private health facilities are linked with U-WIN to bring about a comprehensive single source database. 

He further highlighted the health unit wise Cold Chain Point activities and oriented the trainees on the dashboard view of eVIN portal at the National, State, and District levels.

Earlier in the programme, Dr Rongsennungla, District Immunization Officer chaired the programme. The training aims to strengthen Routine Immunization and Universal Immunization Programme in the districts of Niuland, Dimapur, and Chümoukedima.