Do you think that the institution of the Gaonbura (GB) needs to be reformed according to contemporary situation and requirements? Why? Give Reasons

Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
•    Yes, appointment of GB and DB should be made by making certain changes in age structure. Presently GBs are appointed without looking at age, randomly. So age criteria should be made. Gaonbura means village elders. So no young ones or below the age of 55 should be appointed.

•    Because of their extreme involvement in village and state politics.

•    Yes. We need better trained and better educated people as GBs. The power and functions must be clearly written down so that it is not violated.

•    Yes to bring about changes in the government machinery there must be reformation in the GB also.

•    Regressive methods, ideals which no longer are relevant or beneficial should be removed or modified to our advantage without denying our own culture or tradition at the same time.
•    Yes, it is time to do away with the Gaonbura system. They are no longer needed in the contemporary situation. We all know that the GBs were created by the Britishers to bring the Naga people in line with the policy. The GBs have always been used to keep the people in check. They are used by the Government to maintain discipline and order among the masses. In the recent past the GBs are used by the Government to push the agenda of a solution.

•    Yes. In villages we already have the Village Council which is elected by the people. In the urban areas we already have the Town Committee and the District Administration. There is no need for GBs. They are just another mouthpiece of the Government. 

•    GBs are appointed by the Government. They are not elected by the people. It is for the Government of the day to direct what kind of reformation must be done.

•    Yes. GB institution must be changed. It is not a democratic institution and it has no place in a modern society. Once a person is appointed as a GB, he remains as a GB for life or till voluntary retirement. How is this democracy?  If a GB claims to be a representative of the people, there should be democratic elections every five years. How is a person appointed as GB till death? This is all part of colonial policy.

•    They should be given more power.

Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
•    No. The civil administration is too dependent on the GBs. Without the GBs the civil administration will not be able to function well.

•    No. It will chip away the Naganess.

•    No. I am not a fan nor derive any pecuniary interest or otherwise from the institution. At a glance the argument for reformation of the institution to modern standards seem very commendable and even logical. True, the institution is not without its drawbacks -hampering the modern standards of life on many fronts but on careful thoughts and analysis, the devil is in the details. As things are in our state, anyone will agree that the rule of law is amenable to the power that be. The institution of the GB probably needs a mending but is not broken as of now and being one of the last bastion for upholding the conduct of social life to some minimum acceptable standards, thereby creating some order in society, the present cacophony for 'change' to the system may turn out to be mostly in the financial interest of the powerful. The vacuum that will be created by the exercise will not be for the better of the 'Naga way of life'.

•    No it is not necessary. It looks like the civil administration cannot function without the GBs. Wherever the administration moves around, you will see them being accompanied by men in red waistcoats. The administration is helpless without the GBs.

•    The GB are a vital link in the Naga community as they are unlike the government employed/politician, part of and live with the people. They the GB serve a vital purpose within the community unlike the government employed/politician. Any reduction or change made to the GB will have a negative impact in our society at large as we all know the lack of interest and ability within the government/political entity.

Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say: 
•    In Bengal every area has a councilor, likewise GB here in Nagaland. GB should be there and continue but with more responsibilities, one of their major responsibilities should be the road connections from main road connecting to small lanes. The state government should be well connected with GB to see the progress of the state. Just making the highway is not enough likewise many other work is also there where GB is the best person to take up the responsibility example- pipelines, water supplies, drainage system, street lights, electricity supply etc

•    What exactly is the role and contribution of GBs? This is not clear. The GBs are nominated by the colonies/khels and villages and then they are officially appointed by the government. The collected the yearly House Tax from the people in their jurisdiction and they get a red blanket from the administration. Even if they do not get a salary they get a percentage from the house tax the collect. The house tax can be collected by the administration. I do not think there is any logic to continue the institution of the GBs.

•    Gaonburas (GBs) – meaning ‘village elders’ in the Assamese language of Assam – are village elders nominated by the Village Councils and authorized by the Government to act as assistants to the Deputy Commissioners in village administration. Gaonburas are generally charged with responsibility of good behaviour (read as ensuring law and order) in their villages/clan/locality, as well as, being the spokesmen of their community. They are usually selected by the clan or khel and the Village Councils forwards the names to the government for approval and therefore are considered as agents of the government. This is because Gaonburas are appointed by law of the state government and not by the traditional institutions themselves. If this fact on the institution of the GB has any truth in it, then, a changing time in history necessitated a situation for the institution to exist and if the ones entrusted with the responsibility has done their part and added to the growth of the institution, we must commend them and take from their experience where the institution has aided societal growth and improve upon them further. If there hasn't been any addition towards societal growth either by the institution's lack of foresight, objective or responsibility, we must demand the institution to right the wrong and take the responsibility as the elder they are supposed to be and deliver the requisite performance required from them, otherwise, its just another government service with the perks of employing some well connected individuals to not deliver like most employees of the yesteryears passing on the tradition to the upcoming of being parasites further. Reform in any institution in any time of history is a must and as such, the institution will need one sooner or later. The institution of Gaonburas in Assam dates back to the colonial era, when the British appointed the oldest person in the village as the head, who would oversee matters relating to land and revenue in a particular area. The position would usually go to the oldest, most knowledgeable man who had good personal ties with everyone in a village, or a cluster of small villages. Do we need now wise knowledgeable men/women regardless of age or JUST old people with their old wisdom of 'AMIKE EKU NASHIKABI, AMI SOB JANEH'.

•    I think a proper study should be done on the institution of the GB first. Many do not know the actual role and powers of the GBs. This must be carefully examined.

•    The GB is a British man made institution which was formed for their own convenience. Situation is not the same and so objective decision has to be made first.

•    In urban areas the GBs are not required because the administration is strong and effective. In rural areas the GBs should continue because they are the bridge between administration and village council.

•    The institution of the GB needs to be reviewed. There are many good things and many unwanted things also. Let us take the good things and throw away the bad things. The present GBs must be willing to acknowledge what is good and also what is bad. Only self-justification and protecting their own interests is not in good taste.

•    Ahah tell them to stay in their own lane which is to assist the administrations, and not try to stick their nose in the politics.

•    I don’t specifically understand how power is transferred/shift but in some states the patriarchy/nepotism should be set aside.

•    Those were the days in Nagaland, GBs were punching bags of security forces and if they are lucky they got one or two pegs. Now they have become more vocal in politics.

•    Why in the first case they still exist. They need extinction.

•    We don't have customary literature! Plus no wonder that sound systems upgradation is cloud 9 for public info system. Major drawbacks, Law and order is out of panchayat subject list yet saddened to witnessed many grass root leaders take law at their disposal. Isn't this attribute a disrespect to the values enshrined with the civil servants! Sadly many students with uniforms engaged in fetching water for basic use. Why do patents enforce education as a whole! Public affairs can never be personal interest. I solicit for common interest. Jai Hind