FNR express strong displeasure

The Forum for Naga Reconciliation expresses strong displeasure and concern over the October 14 incident where one Khapur of the GPRN/NSCN was assaulted by a military officer of the NSCN/GPRN. To thwart this incident from spiraling into violence, we appeal to the highest level of signatories of the Covenant of Reconciliation to take immediate steps to prevent any actions that may jeopardize the hard-earned reconciliation process.

While keeping in mind the commitment and progress made in the Naga Reconciliation process through the historic Highest Level Meeting, the Forum for Naga Reconciliation states that the temperament of the October 14 incident has undermined the spirit of the reconciliation. Such incidents will only shake the foundations of trust and confidence the political groups are beginning to build on each other. The Forum for Naga Reconciliation therefore requests the concerned authorities of NSCN/GPRN to initiate investigation of the incident.

In the same manner the Forum for Naga Reconciliation is deeply disturbed and concerned by the October 6 incident at Phor village wherein a military commander of the GPRN/NSCN reportedly shot a 49 year old woman and assaulted village youths. Such incidents isolate popular support from the Naga movement and therefore we appeal to the concerned authorities of the GPRN/NSCN to initiate investigation into the incident.

Both the October 6 and October 14 incidents are instances of violence which contradicts the values of Naga Reconciliation. It is essential that such acts of violence no longer become a part of the future.  Therefore, once again in the greater interest of the Naga Reconciliation process, the Forum for Naga Reconciliation calls upon the signatories of the Naga Reconciliation to demonstrate their commitment to Naga Reconciliation in both letter and spirit so that good will prevail despite all odds.

Forum for Naga Reconciliation