‘From Kuknalim to Jai Hind’: NNC

DIMAPUR, NOV 5 (MExN): The NNC General Secretary Vizosielhou Nagi strongly condemned NSCN -IM General Secretary Th. Muivah and his organsition for what it termed as ‘compromising on Naga Sovereignty’. “This has come out clearly and publicly from Muivah’s mouth in the interview and the NSCN-IM has come down quite a bit from their demand for absolute sovereignty compromising on foreign affairs, defence and currency”, Nagi stated in a press communiqué.

“It is a total capitulation. It is a volte-face; it is a complete fall from the sublime to the ridiculous, from the kuknalim to the Jai Hind”, Nagi stated referring to the NSCN-IM federal plan with India. The NNC however welcomed the stand taken by the NSCN-IM to end talks and discontinue its ceasefire with India and ‘return to the jungles after 31st January 2006’.

The NNC in response to misleading reports in a section of the local daily has also made it clear that the NNC had never joined the Union of India and pointed to the declaration of Naga independence on August 14, 1947 and also the 1951 plebiscite as proof of it. Nagi pointed out that the issue was of India’s ‘invasion and occupation of Nagaland in complete violation of international law. 

“Today, once again the NNC will make it very, very clear to all concerned that the NNC had never signed the treacherous Shillong Accord of 1975”, Nagi stated while pointing out instead that late Zashei Huire and his ministry in complete violation of the constitution signed the Shillong Accord of 1975. Nagi defended the NNC by stating that all the signatories were FGN officials. “Not a single NNC official had signed the Shillong Accord of 1975”, he stated and clarified that the NNC was a political institution established in 1946 and that the FGN was a government formed in the year 1956 as a separate political entity and body. 

“Therefore, no one should be confused about this serious political matter anymore and should not blame the NNC in the matter anymore in the future. The NNC will not tolerate the wrongful blame made against the political institution of the Nagas by anybody in the future”, Nagi cautioned. Nagi went on to reiterate the stand of the NNC for Naga Sovereignty covering all the Naga inhabited areas including ‘free eastern Nagaland’ while also stating that it would stand to continually fight for the international recognition of the Naga cause. 

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