Sincerity is more important than that of the Prohibition Act/Bill. It is worth to note that unless we control the case of users of alcohol which starts from the family and Church, the Prohibition Act or Dry State Declaration has been and will remain only a hypocrisy. We see that the Government, which is the law making body and as well the law enforcing agency is already willing to lift the ban on Alcohol Prohibition Act. The Church is neither a law making body nor enforcing agency and therefore, cannot or will not go fighting tooth and nail against the government but turn to prayer for its members who are in the law melting and enforcing agency which will bring change. The Church’s role is more superior to any role of any Government. The Church is the preaching agency of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and to practice of what it preaches. Our preaching is more powerful than any act or bill, protest and non-cooperation movements. If we truly preach with the authority of God without any hypocrisy, we do not need the authority of the Government to turn the State and the world upside down as it has been all through and there is no fear. To make Nagaland a dry State, the Church can decide for the Government but Government cannot decide for the Church. Every local Church should be challenged and taught to face the challenge and preach against alcohol and alcoholism. No Church should use alcohol users or be given any responsibility in the Church.
The Church should take disciplinary action against is members who use and also who sell. In the Church, its members and drunkards should be taught strictly that use of alcohol id wrong and therefore is sin except it is used for the medical purposes. Today what we see is, the Churches have become very permissive using alcohol users/alcoholics in the Churches for whatever gains or reasons which sterilizes the spirituality and sanctity of the church. It is so crucial to consider and understand that alcoholism is a root cause of many problems in the family, church, society, political life, moral behaviours, government agencies and affecting the performance of the employees and workers.
I believe if we make our Church position distinct clear, whether Prohibition Act is there or not and our preaching continues against alcohol and alcoholism, we can make Nagaland truly a dry State. Nagaland Liquor Prohibition Act has hardly done anything good but rather Hypocritical which God will judge. ‘Spirit is not willing and flesh is strong’ is with the government’s Prohibition Act.
It is time for the Church to first see what is going wrong in the churches and in our preaching. If we are sincere and truly devoted to God and repent from our compromises and permissiveness and pray to God. I believe we can make Nagaland truly a dry State whether government lifts the ban on Prohibition Act or not. Let the remaining year of 2010 be a year of preaching against alcohol and alcoholism and make Nagaland truly a Dry State. With God we can do it even without the Prohibition Act.
Rev.Dr.Thüpu-o Nyekha