Alleged irregularities, misappropriation shortcomings of Memei Hoho (MH) are the talk of the day for weeks and months. Unless it is rectified once for all, it will defeat the very purpose and vision of the founders, formed on the April 13, 1991 at Tadubi, Memei lim.
It was built on solid rocks (late James K. Lerite, Chaku Lorho, late H. Neli, Er. S. Ashiho as past presidents) to protect, safeguard the interests of the Memeis in politics, social, culture, education et al. To forge ahead the grand vision of the founding fathers, concerned citizens used to speak out from time to time for the sake of the common public and the upcoming generation. Lest, there will be chaos, dislike, hatred and vengeance prevail on its own people and beyond the boundaries and takes decades to reconcile.
The Memei Hoho in recent times has been acting extraordinarily and beyond the limits of the constitution. Consequent upon, there is tension, mood of revolt against the Memei Hoho, all out of its creation.
As enshrined in the MH constitution Article 7, clause (v) which read “to criticize the policy and programmed of the council”, we reflect some of the most damaging activities for public consumption and debate so that, our democratic society can rectify for a better place to live in.
The Memei Hoho sponsored MLA candidate won the 48 Mao Assembly constituency (A/C) in the last February 8, 2007 Manipur Assembly Election. Instead of thanking God and made people happy, and invite all constituency members (Memei ,Paomais and even Marams) to joint hand to march forward and pray that the candidate exercise its authority for the general welfare of the people, support the cause of Naga nation and other agendum, the MH had followed a policy of repression, witch-hunt and segregation.
For cheap popularity, it has been harping on the narrow parochialism of
a) “Consensus candidate of the Mao council”
b) “Consensus MLA of the Memei (Mao) community” as appearing in the Imphal Free Press (IFP) issues of 23.3.2007, 28.3.2007 and Morung Express of 27.4.2007 and other papers of Manipur and Nagaland.
The wording of the above press releases are of utmost controversial nature and not the qprerogative of the president and needs the approval of the Memei general body meeting (GBM).The whole exercise is to segregate the Paomai brethren of the constituency at a time some intellectuals were campaigning that the two brothers community of the same first great grand forefather should come closer than ever before.
It is to be known that, the pre election projection as Memei consensus candidate was based to get elect Memei candidate(s) to maintain its identity (in addition to this, are there any secret agenda?). Unlike the United Naga Council (UNC) consensus candidate, which if voted to power, will project and take up the long pending Naga issue.
1. Deceptive imposition of Rs. 13 lakhs 75 thousand:
a) To achieve the above objectives, a fair and free election of the candidate(s) became imperative by pre-poll. The MH executive members of 30/11/2006 took Oath of Affirmation and under Sl. No. (iii) of the affirmation, the executive committee members are not to campaign for any of the intending candidates in the process of the pre-poll.
b) But the affirmation was breached by the MH president down to the executive committee members and the people were in utter confusion and divided after the pre-poll of January 18, 2007.The GBM should investigate by appointing a committee and decide how much fine is to be imposed on the MH executive members.
c) On the eve of the re-poll (12.2.2007) it was circulated that whoever violated the 4.2.2007 directives (which was never circulated to the villages) will be doubly fined in the re-poll of 12.2.2007 (what was the 4.2.2007 fine quoted amount that was not made known to the people?) through an “unsigned” directive by P. Elow Mao Joint Secretary MH.
2. Reign of terror:
After the split of the votes, the MH indiscriminately imposed punitive fines @ 1000 per vote that had not voted for the MH sponsored candidate(s) ranging from Rs 6000/- to Rs. 4, 02,000/- total amounting to Rs. 13 lakhs 75 thousand inclusive of Rs. 2 lakhs to the Shajouba village who had completely abstained from voting. The other villages are 1) Pudunamei Rs. 18,000/- 2) Punanamei Rs. 6,000/- 3) Chowainu Rs. 4,02,000/- 4) Song Song Rs. 22,000/- 5) Kalinamei Rs. 30,000/- 6) Tadubi Rs. 12,000/- 7) Makhel Rs. 3,98,000/-- and 8) Kaibi Rs. 2,87,000/-.
Ever since the MH has been coercing the villages to pay up the fines and unsuccessfully mobilizing volunteers to force the villages, without exploring viable means to resolve the issue. This act of madness is breach of MH constitution Article 3 clause (ii) and (iii) which embodies “the dignity of the constituent units” and “to protect the unity and integrity of the Memeis”.
3. Corruption, misappropriation, misuse of authority:
The Memei Hoho Armada Jeep which was in good running condition was used exclusively as the president’s family jeep. To make an instance or two, during the visit of the President of India, Abdul Kalam to Punanamei on Oct. 16, 2006 some of the executive members of MH were left behind as the jeep was fully occupied by the president’s family.
That, the Armada has been used to bring down cabbages, potatoes and other vegetables to Maram and carry grocery provisions and cow feeds for his daughter village shop, it is alleged.
But to top it all, he had made so many trips to Imphal hobnobbing with the former congress minister Francis Ngajokpa and a sum of Rs. 64,000/- was sanctioned under the head “land reclamation” in his name by the DC(Spt) in 2006 (details can be tabled through his expenses).
Made trips to Dimapur before the last election with two MH office bearers for selfish motives, resulting to heated arguments in an executive meeting for unauthorized trips and huge expenses.
The end result was that more than Rs. 1(one) lakh repair accounts for the year 2006(Jan –Dec) was dumped in the record files of the MH audit committee.
4. Then the application for MLA-LADF was sabotaged by the president by delaying to meet the former minister Francis Ngajokpa and MLA R .K.Thekho for reason best known by him.
5. Building funds:
A sum of Rs 4 (four)lakhs was kindly allotted by the Honorable MP,Mani Charenamai under MP-LADF, in April –May 2006 and an estimated Rs 3 lakhs 74 thousand was approved by the building committee, for construction with RCC structures on the top of the first floor. Unfortunately, the construction was given to the higher quoted rate party under his sweet will and without any written agreement etc. Then, by and by the money was diverted and could only construct the staircase and raised 18RCC posts only and the left over cement were sold without the knowledge of the executive members.
6. Toll tax:
The collection of toll tax from the trucks exiting Memei territory of NH 39 without valid reasons was strongly opposed by a section of the MH executive members as it defeat the agenda to oversee malpractices by unscrupulous parties and individuals. But it yielded to vested interested person.
7. Shortcomings:
a) It has been alleged that the present team had not the will to settle the accounts of the Unification Day of August 27, 2006 and retrieve the costly Naga jackets and other materials into the custody of the Memei Hoho.
b) That the frontal organizations were not taken into confidence by excluding in the executive meetings breaching the constitution Article 10, clause (iii) of the MH constitution.
c) It has failed to effect constitution amendments.
d) It has created a post of the Joint Secretary to sideline the General Secretary as a marriage of convenience which is a breach of the constitution.
e) The resignation of the General Secretary, Treasurer and Secretary Publicity, Public Relations are neither accepted nor rejected formally.
f) Last, but not the least, the public questions how the Memei Hoho is run financially for the last 6 months for the current year 2007 without financial contributions from the constituent villages which decides and approves in the general body meeting in January of every year.
The quality of Memei Hoho president and his team is, he could speaks and mislead the Memeis and that his team could not speak out or are blind to the uncalled activities for reasons best known to themselves. Entrusting the fate of the Memies, to the present leadership a day longer will bring chaos, and conflicts as can be seen on the insane impositions of Rs. 10 thousand each to the elder chief of the Nagas of Makhel and the king of the Memies, the chief of Pudunamei, connected with the last Feb, 08 2007 election, who are not electoral heads, but are the custodians of the Naga customary traditions.
A. Ozho Chowainu Village,
Mao Gate, Senapati District, Manipur.
A. Solomon Makhel Village, Tadubi, Senapati District, Manipur.
A. Sibo Pudunamei Village, Mao Gate, Senapati District, Manipur.
P. Kaisii Lower Shajouba Village,
Tadubi, Senapati District, Manipur.
B. Daili Kaibi Village P.O Tadubi,
Senapati District, Manipur.
S. Beso Chah Upper Shajouba Village, Tadubi, Senapati District, Manipur.