Mission Calling


Composed on 19th October 1997, Hong Kong

Salvation, its substance, is Jesus Christ Himself.
Healing too, its substance, is Jesus Christ Himself
Desire to have salvation and healing? Do you?
Receive the substance of it, which is Jesus Christ.

Righteousness, Holiness, Wisdom, Knowledge and Life:
God gives them to men but only in Jesus Christ.
They are all embodied in Christ the Son of God
He's the Personification of all that's good

Do you desire to have these substances in you?
Holy Spirit is the Distributor of them.
He receives them from Christ and applies them in you.
He's the agent of Christ to make them your experience.

Holy Spirit is the Fore -runner of Jesus.
He carne first to Mary's womb to incarnate Christ,
Descended first to earth to build church, Christ's body
He prepares the man first, before Christ comes to him

He convicts a man of all his sin to repent.
And when he repents He applies Christ's blood on him.
He opens sinners' hearts that Christ may be enthroned.
Without Holy Spirit no man can come to Christ.


Composed on 21st October 1997 Hong Kong

God the Father planned "Redemption" for all mankind,
Jesus provided this “Planned Redemption'' for men.
 Holy Spirit applies "Provided Redemption".
He fulfils God's plan by applying Christ's provision.

Holy Spirit started a new dispensation
In which Jesus Christ is made the central figure.
He bestows all glory upon the Son of God
And makes Him all in all, Lord of all, above all .

To build up the body of Christ, the church on earth,
To beautify Christ's body with His gifts and fruits,
To incorporate all men into Christ's body.
He came to this earth and makes it His supreme task.

Holy Spirit informs the sinners in this age
That there's a perfect pardon extended to them
Through Christ's death, burial, resurrection and life  .
He helps sinners to seek for their pardon from Christ.

Holy Spirit is the Advocate of Jesus.
He convicts sinners of sin proving them guilty ,
 For rejection of Christ which is the sin of sins
And pronounces on them the verdict, "You're Guilty" .

Holy Spirit rejuvenates human bodies
By quickening the sick and languishing bodies .
He invigorates mortal and lowly bodies
By which we enjoy deeper experience in Christ .

Holy Spirit is the greatest Expositor,
 Master of all teachers, Revealer of all things .
He carne to dwell in us to teach us and lead us .
He uses the written word of God to teach us.

Holy Spirit is believers Guide to Jesus
Who has only one burning desire in Him ,
That is the glorious Person of  Jesus Christ .
He guides men  to His Most Beloved Jesus Christ ..

He intercedes "In" and "Through" and "For' all the saints.
Jesus is interceding for us from heaven.
Holy Spirit prays in the bodies of the saints.
He is the Spirit of supplication and prayer.

Holy Spirit is the Leader of Christ's army.
He came to take charge of all Jesus' ministry.
He has a global strategy to win the earth.
Laborers He calls, equips, sends, and then uses.

Holy Spirit invests the church with all His gifts
Without which men are helpless in the battlefield. .
He beautifies the body of Christ with His fruits
Which make the redeemed like Christ in their character.


Composed on 16th October 1997, Hong Kong

On the expiry of one thousand reign of Christ,
A crucial event will take place upon this earth.
The stepping stone will it be to eternity
Both for the redeemed as well as for the unsaved

People who died since the creation of this earth
Whose bodies are on earth and whose souls are in hades
Will they rise to stand before the great judgment seat
The unsaved are they who rejected Christ the Lord.

Upon the great white throne Christ Jesus be seated.
And before the great throne will all the nations stand.
Both the saved and the unsaved their deeds will judge them.
Jesus Christ our Lord will be the Chief Great Justice,

The book of life will be opened for the righteous.
And they'll be rewarded as recorded in it.
The books will be opened for the unsaved sinners
And judgment be pronounced as recorded in them

Then the condemned will go to eternal hell- fire
Where in torment will they spend their eternity  
The righteous will go to new heaven and new earth.
The face of God and of Jesus will they behold.

Time on earth is too short a span compared to it.
Which is given to us just to prepare our life
Then where will you spend eternity? What's your choice?
Eternity, Eternity, Where will you spend?

(Mission Calling by Rev Dr T. Alem Meren is a collection of poems written over the years to inspire people especially young Nagas to take up mission work. Every Tuesday, the Morung Express will feature this column. As the writer states: “God laid upon my heart a burden to challenge the young
people of Nagaland for Christ’s Ministry beyond our home”).