Naga Hoho makes fervent appeal to NSCN (K)

DIMAPUR, AUGUST 24 (MExN): The Naga Hoho has made a “fervent plea to the NSCN (K) brothers to re-consider their recent quit notice served to the Tangkul community living in the present state of Nagaland”. 

“We believe that the age old problem can be solved only when we unitedly stand and raise our voices together”, stated Naga Hoho President I. Bendang Jamir in a press communiqué.

The President also pointed out that the Naga Hoho strongly believed that at this significant point in Naga History such an action would be adding more fuel to the fire and would not at all solve the Indo-Naga political problem.

“Let us not shed anymore blood of our own, let us not ignite more hatred rather let us come to a common platform and thrash out whatever the differences we have in a true Naga spirit once and for all”, the Naga Hoho President stated.