Nagas will shed Tears of Joy

Nehemiah Rong

Nagas have fought tooth and nail for liberty and their birthright. Their cry for liberty and freedom never died down. They were divided and their hopes and dreams shattered. Yet their call for birthright is amply clear. The truth can never be killed. When it undergoes trials it becomes more pure as pure gold becomes purer when it is burnt in fire. A fight for truth can never be stopped by the power of guns and mere political diplomacy. But rather it can be solved through proper and sincere dialogue. 

The Britishers could never silence Mahatma Gandhi by putting him behind bars. Likewise Government of India failed to silence the cry of the Nagas by putting its leaders like A.Z.Phizo and other freedom fighters behind bars. And still many are fighting hard for the Nagas’ birthright. Prior to the split of Naga National Council (NNC) there was cohesiveness, less internal conflicts and killings. The split of NNC to NSCN and NSCN further into IM and K group during early 1980s created more havoc, much killing etc. among Nagas. 

Nagas are not interested to witness factional fights. But are yearning eagerly for the homecoming destiny. Nagas chose not to remain under British’s Crown or Indian Union. Any political settlement without the integration of Naga inhabited areas and without the conscience of the people nullifies the very essence of the struggle for Nagas’ freedom.

As the platform has been offered by the collective leadership for the Nagas to have a consultative meeting, I think it is pertinent that all the doubts and fears, hopes and possibilities regarding the claim made by Nagas have to be addressed and affirmed.  The collective leadership must disclose the substance of the talk. Only then can people respond with a clear conscience and not by mere apprehensions. 

At such juncture of time when there seem to be hopes and despairs,  and call for peace and unity is knocking the door with the song we frequently sing, “We Shall Overcome Someday”, is it not imperative for us to sing another song “Bind us together Lord. Bind us Together with cord that cannot be broken. Bind us together with Love.”

When we are bonded with unbreakable cord of unity and with love then nothing can stop us from getting our birthright. 

The Government of India instead of dubious diplomacy must acknowledge the rightful claim of the Nagas.

Is this the right time for the Nagas to reap their harvest, to come forward and support the ongoing Peace dialogue? Is this time a wake up call for the Nagas who are still slumbering? Will our Master free us atleast?  Can Nagas Shed tears of Joy-at last?