NNC on “tax” & suspended members

Dimapur, April 7 (MExN): The Naga National Council (Panger) has convened a meeting for April 9 in the ‘Lotha region’ at 9:00 am. All the different ‘regional council presidents’, functionaries and especially “suspended members” are asked to attend. A note from I Panger Walling, working president and advisor of the NNC, said in a note that the “suspended members” are to come, ‘clarify their stand, amend the wrong, and become one body as before for greater interest of all and the NNC.’
The note from Walling referred to what it called “collection of money” by an NNC vice president and suspension of general secretary of the NNC V Nagi. The NNC president expressed sadness to see “a few NNC members creating disorder in the NNC set up for their selfish end”. He called it “very ugly” especially during this phase of Naga reconciliation process.
“There will be opposition, criticism, defection and so forth. But it is too much on the part of Mr. Kiumukam Yimchungru who was my vice president in earlier term and in the present term of office from Yimchungru region. I know him very well that he is an innocent and simple man earlier but when he took over Dimapur area and start collecting money/taxes from public, business man, state offices, etc, he became a changed man,” Walling stated.
The note asserted, “We never collect money or tax from the general public but he started this as his business in Dimapur area from last year”. ‘This has spoiled our stand and tarnished our image of national politics. Mr. Kiumukam Yimchungru is responsible for all this unwanted events’, the note said.
Walling also called “mockery for this vested interest and suspended members to expel Mr. V. Nagi the general secretary of NNC who works tirelessly for Naga national unity since early 1980's.” Calling him a ‘gentleman with integrity’, the note said, “They cannot expel him. They are not the right body. This vested interest members have to be fully exposed if their nefarious activity continues.”
Without mentioning names, the note said “these six vested members cannot form NNC government” and “nobody will accept this mockery at this hour in the Naga homeland.” Panger added that the situation “compelled me to state all these unwanted events but necessity has arise and demands for the NNC stand at this hour.”

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