NOISE POLLUTION: Music for you may be noise to others

The rapid urbanization of our towns have given rise to increasing ambient noise levels in public places from various sources such as industrial activities, generator sets, loud speakers/public address systems, music systems, fire crackers and noise from vehicles which have deleterious effects on human health and the psychological well being of the people. The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 framed under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 provides the regulation for noise. Noise is typically, defined as unwanted sound. Sound which please the listeners is music and that which causes pain and annoyance is noise. At times, what is music for some can be noise for others.

Effects of Noise to human health:-

(a) Hearing Impairment: Hearing impairment can be either temporary or permanent. Temporary impairment is a temporary loss of hearing acuity experienced after a relatively short exposure to excessive noise. Permanent impairment is an irreversible loss of hearing that is caused by prolonged noise exposure.
(b) Sleep Disturbance: The primary effects of sleep disturbance are difficulty in falling asleep, awakenings and alteration interfering of sleep stages or depth, increase blood pressure, heart rate, etc. The secondary effects are reduced perceived sleep quality, increased fatigue, depressed mood or well being and decreased performance.
(c) Annoyance: Noise annoyance may be defined as a feeling of displeasure evoked by noise and is basically a psychological response. The consequences are often ill temper, bickering and even enmity.
(d) Interference with Speech Communication: Speech interference is basically a making process, in which simultaneous interfering noise renders speech incapable of being understood. Problems with concentration, fatigue, uncertainty and lack of self confidence, irritation, misunderstandings, decreased working capacity, problems in human relations, and a number of stress reactions have all being identified.
(e) Performance: Symptoms of tiredness are one of the consequences, and in people doing mental work there may be considerable deterioration and efficiency or even complete loss of ability to work.
(f) Physiological Functions: A number of physiological disorders result by interference of biological functioning of the body as a consequence of over exposure to noise. There are neurosis, anxiety, insomnia, hypertension, giddiness and nausea, fatigue and increase in sweating. Chronic noise may lead to abortions and congenital defects in children too. Startling sound can quicken human fetus’s heart rate and cause its muscle to contract. Malformation in the fetus’s nervous system may also be caused.

Noise Pollution from Firecrackers and its regulation:
The unpredictable, intermittent and impulsive noise produced by bursting of firecrackers all round, turns into disharmony of noise. People are unable to even sleep due to the noise produced by the firecrackers. Firecrackers not only increase the ambient noise level but also contribute significantly in increasing the air pollution by means of toxic gases and particles due to their blast wave resulting from a rapid release of energy.
In order to curb the growing problem of noise pollution, the Government of India has enacted the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000
Rules regulating noise levels for fire crackers are as follows:-
1. The manufacture, sale or use of fire-crackers generating noise level exceeding 125 dB (AI) or 145dB© pk at 4 meters distance from the point of bursting shall be prohibited.
2. For individual firecrackers constituting the series (joined fire-crackers), the above mentioned limit be reduced by 5 log 10 (N) dB, Where N= Numbers of crackers joined together.
3. The use of fireworks or fire-crackers shall not be permitted except between 6.00 a.m. and 10 p.m. No fireworks or fire-crackers shall be allowed between 10.00 p.m. and 6.00 a.m.
4. The Firecrackers shall not be used at any time in silence zones, as defined in S.O. 1046(E) issued on 22.11.2000 by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. in the said notification Silence Zone has been defined as :
“Silence Zone is an area comprising not less than 100 meters around Hospitals, Educational institutions, Courts, Religious places or any other area which is declared as such by the competent authority”.

Implementing Authority:

Under Section 2 (i) (c) of the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 the Government of Nagaland vide notification no For/Gen-46/95 (Pt-VI) dated 27th April 2009 designated the Deputy Commissioners of all the Districts to be the ‘Authority’ for maintenance of the Ambient Air Quality standards in respect of noise.

Ambient Air Quality Standards in respect of Noise:

Under the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 the Ambient Air Quality standards in respect of noise for different areas/zones is given below

General observations during year 2010:
Firecrackers were used mostly during Diwali, Christmas, New Year and during festivals/parties.
In the monitoring of noise levels carried out by the Nagaland Pollution Control Board during Diwali 2010 in Dimapur city, all the areas monitored were found to be generating noise exceeding the prescribed levels. It was also observed that some locals (Nagas) were also seen taking part in bursting firecrackers.
This study reveals that firecrackers not only cause nuisance and accident hazards but also the Ambient Air Quality is affected which in turn leads to various respiratory problems.

Result of Ambient Noise Monitoring at different locations in Dimapur City during Diwali Festival – 2010