Normal is…..

Aditi Singh

When you close your eyes and you see all dark
That means you are normal
And when you open it again and see the world wide
That means you are normal.
Find no reasons to smile today?
Isn’t this reason enough that blue is the sky?
You and the whole universe are going hand in hand!
Isn’t it enough that there is nothing uncertain?
Isn’t it enough?
But let’s tell the truth,
Normal is too boring dude!
What’s new that we wake up every day?
What’s new sun shines all day!
What’s new that we are not born handicapped?
What’s new that we own both mom’s chain 
And Dad’s cap?
But If normal is boring 
And boring is dull,
Then I wish we never in our lives see what’s interesting.
Find no reasons to smile today?
You are alive!
You are not counting your breath in the Spanish flu.
You are not packing up your bag 
And leaving your country’s flag
Like the people once did in the 1947 gate.
If not the greatest but still the best hour is now!
At least you are not one of the 6 crore hearts that melted 
in the 6 years long 2nd war of the world
Or the black death of Europe where half were killed by 
rumors and were made death’s dine,
At least not the year of 536 A.D where the sun for 18 
months refused to shine.
Find no reasons to smile today?
You are alive!

(The author is a class 9 student of Jubilee Memorial School, Mokokchung)