On this day, the 63th Anniversary of Pochury Black Day, the Naga Students’ Federation stands in solemn remembrance of all the costly sacrifices made in the odyssey of the Naga struggle for self determination.
Lest we forget all the “atrocities and torture” inflicted upon the Pochury people in particular and the Naga people at large by the Indian Armed Forces- when beginning from the year 1960, the Naga Army shot down an Indian Air Force plane where four of the aircraft’s pilots and five crew members were captured by the Naga Army. However, none of them were tortured and they were all released through the Indian Red Cross Society. Nevertheless, on the process of the Indian Army operations to rescue the airmen, many villages were burnt down and untold atrocities and torture were inflicted upon the innocent villagers in the Pochury region.
In remembering September 6, 1960, we are filled with deep reverence as we offer our humble homage to the visionary leaders and the heroes of the past, who have suffered and laid down their lives at the hands of the Indian Armed Forces and whose sacrifices and unwavering determination have bestowed upon us the legacy of a sovereign Naga nation. Also, the Federation offers our sincere gratitude and extends our solidarity to the Nationalists at present who have dedicated their lives to pursue the aspirations of the Naga people. It is our belief that Sovereignty and Integration of the Nagas is a vision which has been bestowed upon us by the Almighty God.
The Federation once again reaffirms our right to self determination which is justified on account of our unique history, culture and political goals as declared to the world on 14th August 1947, when the Nagas declared ourselves free from any imperialistic forces and on 16th May, 1951, through the Naga National Plebiscite when 99.9% of the Nagas reiterated our right of a sovereign independent Nation under the noble leadership of Lt. AZ Phizo. Further, we urge upon the Government of India to keep its word as declared to the world during the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India’s two-day visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2015 and restore the Historical and Political rights of the Naga people without further ado.
Today, we join with the rest of the Naga people to celebrate yet another year of the younger Naga generation and our aspiration for peace. We celebrate the memories of our dear comrades who have sacrificed their lives protecting the interests of the younger Naga generation. It is our conviction that we shall continue to celebrate their legacy, their lives and their memories through the pages of History, in our everyday lives and through occasions such as today.
NSF President Medovi Rhi
NSF General Secretary Chumben Khuvung