Political Philosophy of Martin Heiedgger and its relevance to ‘Nationalist Furor’

Dr. John Mohan Razu

Martin Heidegger, a renowned, original and widely acclaimed German philosopher known for his creative and critical works of the 20th Century whose scholarship even now is being used   by many in their writings and articulations in varied ways, especially in political discourses. His contributions and originality are in particular in the areas of phenomenology, hermeneutics and existentialism. In these areas Heidegger showed his brilliance and intellectual acumen of par excellence, but requires careful scrutiny.   His thinking would have to be identified along with philosophical movements. Heidegger was a composite scholar who delved into psychology and theology and thus used phenomenological method.  

Heidegger was a member and a staunch supporter of the Nazi party. His philosophical moorings to an extent might have been influenced by Nazi ideology. His best known book Being and Time (1927)—the most influential and central to his philosophical thought and ideas that raises ontological questions and notions of being which is central that raised crucial questions to him. Heidegger has been regarded as a one of the intriguing philosophers and original thinkers. A philosopher such as Martin Heidegger is to be de-coded and de-constructed in order to shed light, meaning and content to the present times. He being a hermeneutist his works has to be reinterpreted in the context of wide-spreading nationalistic furor across the world.

Martin Heidegger showed his leanings to fascism and his narratives by and large convey ‘politics of silence’. His philosophical thinking and the current happening across the world synchronizes and thus puts him at the center.  Firmly committed to Nazism and subscribed to anti-Semitism. In tune to these Heidegger worked energetically to reform the University where he was the Rector more on the basis of Nazi principles. This was the background of Heidegger whose philosophical groundings and philosophical discourses by and large revolved around ontological being and purpose of life. However, Post-War 11 settings wherein the academia despite making all attempts to erase the stamp “fellow traveler” by the De-nazification Commission.

Heidegger’s political philosophy and his political articulations manifest strong ideological leanings towards fascist tendencies and Aryanization. Therefore, Heidegger serves better and his works poses enormous interest and challenges amongst scholars and thus become relevant to our times in the wake of nationalistic furor. Heidegger nowadays is resurrected and cited more as many countries are moving towards ethno-nationalist tinge—nationalism and populism are the credo of the emergence of nationalistic uprisings. There are countries in Europe, South America, in North America such as the USA, Asia and countries like Australia and more countries including Russia are gradually shifting towards far-rightist and nationalist fundamentalism.  

Arousing ethnic passions by those leaders and others in different periods and parts of history and what we have been witnessing in many countries as of now seem to be subscribing to far-right nationalistic politics. In this regard India is not an exception.  The far-right nationalist party is building its base on the credo of nationalism and populism by employing Hindu ethnicity. Its ideological premises has entered into all facets of Indian society and thus moving towards Hindu rashtra. Historicity is interpreted in such ways that favors the fundamentalists’ brand of nationalism and ethno-identity politics. Heidegger’s philosophical critique of the conditions of humanity in modern technological society allowed him to regard Nazi revolution as a deliverance that would make the world “safe for Being”.  Even in India far-right nationalist ideology and political projects are regarded as a leverage and delivery point by the majority of Indians.

Being and the Context and Being in the Context though philosophical terms and thus linked closely with each other, but ought to be viewed as very contextual that raises the very purpose of life ‘here and now’. The notion of “Being” is an existential term and therefore has been a product of human historicity which has the possibility of embracing extremes such as  racism, fascism or nationalism by ways of its connotations and manifestations. The far-right politics and the governments across the globe are involved in promoting nationalistic sentiments amongst its citizens. Accordingly, even in India the ruling party is involved in vigorous campaigns that denote saffronization and hinduisation of those who belong to indigenous tribes and other communities.