Priyanka Chopra says Unfinished is graceful, not a ‘salacious’ read or a ‘tell-all’ book

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SEPTEMBER 13 (IANS): Priyanka Chopra, who claims her memoir ‘Unfinished’ is no. 1 bestseller in the world, reacted to media reports suggesting that she didn’t speak the truth or didn’t mention names while choosing to quote incidents from her life in the book. The actor said she was not tempted to take names in her memoir. The actor added that writing the memoir was tough for her as she had never written a “structured” material before.

The Sky is Pink actress on Sunday said her debut book Unfinished: A Memoir became a worldwide bestseller without being a “salacious” read. The memoir delves into the actress’ life—from her childhood in India to her teenage years in the US, where she experienced bouts of racism. The book also talked about her return to India, her winning the national and global beauty pageants followed by her acting career, and now becoming a Hollywood actor.

When the actor was asked at a literary festival on Sunday if she was tempted to reveal people's identities in the book, she said its her book and about her and not others. “It is no one else's story but mine. It says Priyanka's Memoir, right, so my story. It's actually really funny. I read a few reviews that said that 'oh she didn't speak the truth about things like that.' I was like, ‘oh so basically you wanted a gossip brag in my book. You wanted it to be a tell-all,” Priyanka said, adding, “I'm not Stardust.”

Speaking about expecting gossip in her book, Priyanka said “I don't respond to that, I'm not that person. I believe in having grace. And a lot of media doesn't.” The White Tiger actress said she didn’t want the book to cater to just her fans or people who love her. “I wanted it to be a good read, be funny, interesting, and have a sense of personality,” she said.

Priyanka Chopra released her memoir on February 9 this year, and within two days of its official launch, the book climbed the charts and was classified as a bestseller in both India and the US.