Proposed 26th October Rally Prejudiced : GPRN/NSCN & NNC/FGN

It is in the knowledge of every single Naga that the atmosphere of peace and reconciliation under the aegis of Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) has had tremendous impact towards bringing all the warring political groups to a meeting point. The historic 18th September summit is testimony for all peace loving Nagas. GPRN/NSCN and NNC/FGN believes that any rally at this hour, other than for strengthening the Naga Reconciliation and Unity, is prejudiced and not in the spirit of Covenant of Reconciliation. 

If the proposed rally go ahead, the Naga Hoho, NSF and NMA would be making a mockery of the September 18, 2010 Summit. It is sinister, vindictive and a colossal danger to the fragile Naga reconciliation process. To derail the Reconciliation process would mean unimaginable repercussion. Having witnessed much political turmoil, tragedy is best avoided. Naga political solution hinges of oneness and inclusiveness of all Nagas. Does the Covenant of Reconciliation signed by top leaders hold any meaning to three apex bodies? What drama are they trying to enact? The FNR, having worked tirelessly to garner support and confidence of all political groups in particular and Nagas in general, the protest rally by Naga Hoho, NSF, NMA would be akin to an attempted robbery in broad daylight. The Journey of Common Hope and the Covenant of Naga Reconciliation do not pin hope on any particular group to decide political future of the Nagas. GPRN/NSCN and NNC/FGN appeals to the Naga Hoho, NSF and NMA not to lose sleep over the deadlocked political dialogue between IM and GOI. At a momentous time, when the Naga people reaffirm their oneness before God and man, a solution shall be sought and it shall be granted. 

The wisdom of all the apex organizations must be to stay on course with the rest of the Nagas by reflecting the will and opinion of the people. This is not a time to orchestrate new meaning and direction to Naga political issue behind the screen. For whom and for what the protest really is needed are questions the Naga Hoho, NSF and NMA, who are part and parcel of the Naga Reconciliation process, must tell the Naga people. If the proposed protest rally is to demand the GOI to expedite the non-existent political dialogue between the GOI and one faction, it is without a shadow of a doubt, a call to resume hostility and bloodbath among the Nagas. Is it to expedite alternative political arrangement for the Nagas in Manipur? Naga people must have a clear picture. At this juncture any step contrary to the positive feelings of the Naga people shall invite the wrath of the people. 

GPRN/NSCN and NNC/FGN would also like to clarify that the arrest of Ningkhan Shimray of IM by Indian authorities in Nepal is an issue which should be sorted out by IM and GOI. Enforcing Naga populace of Dimapur to the streets to demand the release of one alleged arms smuggler from prison is unjustified. The organizers of the protest rally may kindly note that hundreds of Nagas continue to languish in different Indian and foreign jails preceding Ningkhan Shimray, for believing in the political right of the Nagas. None is more Naga than another. Just recently a member of the signatory of COR inflicted horrific torture upon a member of another signatory of COR, the self proclaimed apex bodies, did not even blink. The Practice of hypocrisy by them has destroyed Naga political vision. 

Since the majority of Naga political groups are signatories to Covenant of Reconciliation, the call for mass protest rally in Dimapur on 26th October 2010 to resurrect and expedite the non-existent political talks is a clear deviation from Naga people’s vision. It is a violation of people’s trust, clearly planned and arranged with ulterior motives. GPRN/NSCN and NNC/FGN insist that the protest rally at this hour is inappropriate as it does not have any scope of strengthening Naga Reconciliation. In such an atmosphere, it is more an act of spraying poison to the fragile Naga reconciliation process than anything else. In the best interest of the Naga people, it is advised that the proposed protest rally be called off as it does not serve the purpose of common goal.

Rali Wali, NNC/FGN