Sumi pastors’ rest house inaugurated

DIMAPUR, APRIL 6 (MExN): Rest House cum Office building of All Sumi Baptist Pastors’ Fellowship was inaugurated at Zhimo Colony, Signal Basti, Dimapur on April 5 by MLA Y. Hewoto Awomi at a function attended by pastors and church leaders under WSBAK, SBAK and SABAK.
The dedicatory prayer for building which was constructed with assistance from various churches and individuals was offered by Rev. S. Vitoshe Swu, Executive Secretary, WSBAK.
Speaking on the occasion, MLA Y. Hewoto Awomi encouraged the church leaders to be firm and strong in teaching the gospels of almighty to the people. He also hoped that the newly constructed building would be a source of blessing. As a toke of love he donated a sum of Rs. 1 lakh towards the maintenance of the building.
The function was chaired by Rev. Honito Chophi, president ASBPF. Church Choir of Lhomithi Baptist Church presented a song to mark the occasion.

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