Table Tennis in Nagaland

•-While Table Tennis is the most popular racket Sport in the world and very popular in Nagaland where it is played regularly in schools, colleges and every households it is being neglected in Nagaland by the Department concerned.
In the recently concluded XXV North East Games held at Arunachal Pradesh, Table Tennis was not included by the Department of Youth Resources & Sports for alleged lack of funds and medal prospect . The State Sports Policy clearly lists that Table Tennis is in the “Prioritisation of Sports Discipline/Thrust Areas” but yet show such step-motherly treatment to the sport. How can one win a medal if they are not allowed to participate? It is when we participate, that we gain experience through exposure and only then, the hope of a medal arises.
The Nagaland Table Tennis Association (NTTA) affiliated to Table Tennis Federation of India (TTFI) was revived back in 2008 after a gap of more than 15 years, which should be good news to the lovers of Table Tennis in the State. It has also been holding State Level Tournaments till date. The NTTA has also been participating in the National Table Tennis Championships and has been doing well but unless proper infrastructure, coaches and more financial supported are not granted, the game of Table Tennis will go back to where it was 15 years ago.
Hoshika Swu
Vice President (Development)
Nagaland Table Tennis Association (NTTA)