Morung Express NewsWokha | February 3The body of a 7-year-old boy, who drowned in the Doyang River, was recovered at 2:15 PM today by a joint rescue team comprising the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) a
Kohima, April 17 (MExN): A study undertaken by Nagaland State Biodiversity Board (NSBB) has recorded a total of 567 aquatic sites in the 12 villages settled at the foothills of the Japfü Range, in the Southern
Morung Express NewsWokha | February 2The celebration of World Wetlands Day at Doyang Wetland Reservoir was held under the theme “Wetlands & Human Well Being” with Vedpal Singh, IFS, PCCF & Chief Wil
Morung Express news
Kohima | August 18
A dead body was recovered from a stream near the Doyang river by the Wokha Police along with a team from State Disaster Response Force (SDRF), District Dis
Need for proper SOP specific to search operations in Doyang highlighted
Wokha, July 15 (MExN): Wokha District Disaster Management Authority (WDDMA) held a meeting to discuss on disaster durin