The Unborn Child..!

The souls of the two little unborn babies, not yet born and waiting to be delivered to expectant mothers below, sat in their heavenly abode looking down at the planet earth which would soon receive them.

“Can you see that lovely woman down there?”

“Yes,” said the second soul of the unborn baby, “I do.”“That’s going to be my mother.”

“And that,” said the second, pointing to another woman, “is mine.”

“She’s so beautiful,” said the first.“I know,” said the second.”

“Oooh, I can already feel my mother’s arms around me, her love, surrounding me. I can feel her breath as she bends over me and showers me with care. I can feel her doting on me, her little baby.”

“Yes,” said the other listlessly.

“And when she calls me by my name, I will run and hide and watch from my hiding place and see her anxious eyes, growing concerned that she cannot find me, and just when she is overwhelmed with worry I will come out and shout, “Mummy!”

“Mummy,” mumbled the second soul of the unborn baby.

“And my mother will run and smother me in her arms and crush me with relief and hold me to herself with deep felt joy. Oh, mummy how I ’m waiting to come and be with you.”

The other unborn child looked down at her mother and sighed.

“There will be father too,” said the first. “That’s him down there.”

“A good man he seems to be,” said the second unborn baby as it looked down to see where its own father was.

“Where’s yours?” asked the first.

“I don’t know,” said the second.

“Father’s are supposed to be good fun,” cooed the first unborn baby. “they play with you, they share your troubles, they spoil you and make you feel secure.”

“Yes,” said the second listlessly. “That’s what I’ve heard. Yes,”

“Soon I will go down,” said the first unborn baby, “and I will grow in her, till one day I will come into that world below to enjoy it with her and my dad. Oh, how happy we all will be. Aren’t you waiting for that day?”

“I will never see that day,” sobbed the second unborn baby. “Never.”

“But, what a beautiful mother you have!”

“Who will end my life before I see the world! Never will I see a sunrise or sunset. Never will I feel the love of a mother. Never will I be born. But she in some dark, dingy clinic will see that I am scooped out of her and thrown as waste!”

“No,” cried the first unborn child. “No. It is your right to be born.”

The two souls of the unborn babies looked at the beautiful mother of the second as she flirted and teased and gave herself up to men who waited to bed her.

“No!” screamed the second soul of the unborn baby. “No! Don’t kill me before I’m born, don’t, please..!”

Robert Clements is a newspaper columnist and author. He blogs at and can be reached at

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