“Rejoice because your name are written in heaven” (Lk 10:20)
Dr.T. Aonok
When your name gets into the Bible and they tell the world and that you are the son of a certain man, and you are an apostle of Jesus, but that is all they tell, then that is not very much information. That is the unfortunate situation of James, the less, or James, the little, or better, James II. His father was named Aplhaneus, his mother was a follower of Jesus. He, James was one of the apostles. And that is all we know. He is listed among the twelve; his name does not appear anywhere else in scripture.
James, too, is a patron saint. I mean “patron saint” in the Protestant sense; a representative, not someone to pity to. He is the saint of the unknown, who follow Jesus Christ.
As for those who had been scattered, they went through the country preaching the word (Acts 8:4 NEB). Those who? Who were they? What were their names? Who were these hundreds, these thousands, who spread the Christian faith, who brought the good news of Jesus Christ to men, whose names are not recorded? Paul, we know, and Peter, we know, but who are these? What were the names of those thrown to the lions, those valiant Christians who loved not their lives to the death/name one. In the long history of the Church, Augustine, we know; and Luther, we know; Calvin, we know; and Wesley; and…and… how few we really know!
For every general there are probably ten thousand privates. James, apostle unknown, is a symbol of the privates in God’s army. But he is an apostle, and thereby hangs a tale, indeed. Why were the rich, the influential, the famous, the successful not chosen by Jesus?
Why were Nicodemus and the rich young ruler not in the company of the twelve? Why a fellow whose name is James (James who)? Why are many called, but few Chosen?
“He seems to ignore with a sovereign indifference the great so called ‘world historical perspectives’ of His mission when it comes to one insignificant, blind, and smelly beggar, this Mr Nobody, who is nevertheless so dear to the heart of God and must be saved!” and that is why He chooses us. That is why you and I-nobodies-can be in His Company too!
James, chosen by Jesus, walked in the Company of Jesus. That sends the mind reeling, and the imagination roaming. “Blessed are the eyes which see the things that you see”, he heard Jesus say, “for I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them” (Lk 10: 23, 24)
He saw Him heal the sick, cast demons, raise the dead. He saw Him walk on the water. He saw Him feed the multitude. He saw Him cleanse the temple. He heard Him teach. He heard the Sermon on the Mount. He heard the parables. He heard the stabbing remarks of Jesus, the kind words, the encouraging words. He was there at the Last Supper. He was there in the Garden. He was there in the City during the Crucifixion. He was there at the Resurrection. He was there for the Ascension.
You envy him? You are not in the company of Jesus? Why not?
He is the same yesterday, and today and forever (Heb 13:8). You do not see him at work? Why not? Open your eyes to the kingdom slowly at work in the world, leaving the lump. You do not hear him preach? Why not? You have the word of God, you can read and listen and worship. You were not there at the cross? Why not? “Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Sometimes it causes me to tremble….” You can have that experience. This unknown Apostle, James has nothing on you!
He was chosen to see, to hear, to walk, to witness. “The Lord….sent them off in twos as advance parties into every town and districts where he intended to go”. There is a great harvest, he told them, “but only a few are working in to which means you must pray to the Lord of the harvest that he will send out more reapers. Now go on your way, I am sending you out like lambs among wolves” (Lk 10:1-3 Philips). The twelve were sent out, the seventy were sent out and side by side with the famous Peter, James and John, James the less proclaimed the kingdom. He brought the good news as a witness to cities, town and villages.
Today’s Church seems too much of an institution, where people believe correct things, do correct things, say correct things but give off nothing that excites the imagination and the curiosity of the man in the world.
This unknown apostle, chosen a witness, also had a name written in heaven, unknown, but knows to God. Unknown to earth, but knows in heaven. The disciple returned from their witness tour rejoicing, “Even the devils are subject unto us through the name!” And Jesus said, “I beheld Satan as lighting fall from heaven. Not withstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirit are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your name are written in heaven” (Lk 10:17, 18, 20). That is the true cause for joy! The word does not take note, but God takes note. Nameless ones to men are not nameless to God. He is the God of individual.
You do not count to God? Actually bread is more valuable than diamonds. Diamonds may cost more, but you can’t eat them. Water is more precious than pearls. Farmers are more important than movie-stars. May be that does not come out in the head-lines, but of course, it is so. God’s biggest problem is not with the important people. There are only a few of them; really God biggest problem is with you and me.