Three Stones

Traditionally, when fire is lit for cooking, three-stones are commonly erected to provide stability and support for the earthen pot and to channel and distribute the heat in an equal manner. The dialectical interrelation and interdependence between the three-stones is critical in providing a stable foundation. In the absence of one of them, the harmonious stability would vanish; leading to disorder. Just in the same way that these three-stones are the foundation of stability for the pot, the dialectical interrelationship between the forces of history, geography and politics have shaped and defined a people’s existence.   

It is nonetheless evident that in the course of human history incompatible differences emerge over numerous issues, inevitably leading to confrontation of all kinds. In the process, the harmonious relations between contradicting elements are destabilized. Perhaps it is in the midst of these contradictions that human beings are at their worst. In the vicious cycle of human affliction we must however find a way to rediscover the three-stones; the stones that stabilizes and harmonizes contradicting elements. In the context of protracted issues, it may be meaningful to engage in a discourse of the three-‘re,’ namely; ‘resolution,’ ‘reconciliation’ and ‘reconstruction.’

The three-stones of ‘resolution,’ ‘reconciliation’ and ‘reconstruction’ are critical processes in the transformation of political structures and just-relations. While it is true that these three elements share a dialectical relationship, it lies in the wisdom of a people to make it live in a real and meaningful manner. The avoidance in addressing any of these elements would prevent the holistic growth of a nation. Resolution on its own would be unsustainable and may not lead to transformation of systems; Reconciliation on its own may not fully address the politics of injustice and Reconstruction by itself would not address the roots of the issue. Therefore, on its own, each one of them is incomplete; they depend on each other to bring out its fullest meaning and hence needs to be nourished collectively.

Each one of these three-stones has its own complexities and yet when they interface with each other they are rich in content. One may ask, so where do we start? The best possible option in a spectrum of answers is to address all these stones simultaneously in a parallel way. Resolution is fundamental to finding a solution that addresses core issues of a problem, Reconciliation is essential in addressing the wounds to make healing possible and Reconstruction is vital for moving into the future and recreating a new nation. Perhaps the by-product of the interaction between these three stones is a ‘sustainable peace.’ 

Are Nagas ready to address these three-stones simultaneously in a judicious perspective? Perhaps that itself is an issue to contend with!