As per India Meteorological Department (IMD), Ministry of Earth Sciences during the second half of the South West Monsoon (August-September) normal to above normal rainfall very likely over some parts of North east India.
During August 2023, normal to above normal rainfall is very likely some parts of northeast India; above normal monthly maximum temperatures are very likely over most parts of northeast India.
General Advisory
1. Those area under Dimapur district where paddy could not be cultivated, go for cultivation of Sesamum (Til) variety like AST-1 or other local varieties or Go for sowing of maize. Varieties suitable for our region – HQPM-1, Vijaya composite, RCM-75, RCM-76 or you can go for sowing of soybean – JS-335, JS-9560 (promising varieties for Dimapur district) or any other local varieties or any short duration varieties of pulses like cowpea, black gram, green gram etc as an alternative crop.
Spices, Plantation, Medicinal & Aromatic plants – Azeze Seyie
1. Harvesting and sorting of naga mircha: Snip the chillies off in the middle between the stem and the plant, keeping the pedicel intact. Sorting should be done in order to minimise the post harvest loss by removing the diseases fruits, broken fruits etc.
2. Planting of black pepper cuttings may be done on standard trees like arecanut, mango, jackfruit etc. On one standard, 2-3 cuttings can be planted in a pit size of 2 feet (LBH) filled with FYM/ compost and soil, 50cm away from the tree trunk.
3. LITCHI: Prune trees just after harvesting. Remove the insect affected dried branches and shoots arising from stem and branches towards outside. Weeding should be done on regular basis especially around the plants. To suppress the weeds between rows, leguminous crops and vegetables can be grown as intercrops in the first 6 to 7 years.
Entomology – Moanaro Lemtur
1. During paddy transplantation to the main field clip off the tip of the seedlings to reduce rice stem borer incidence.
2. In chilli, if crinkles and upward curling of leaves with elongated petioles are observed spray Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.3 ml/L or Thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 0.5g/L of water.
3. In chilli if downward curling of leaves with stunted growth are observed spray propargite 57 %EC @ 1.5 ml or or Novaluron 10 EC @ 1 ml/L of water.
4. Replace yellow sticky trap and Cue lure fruit fly trap in the field.
5. In maize, dust the plants with ash to protect from Fall Army Worm and if some white patches or holes with faecal pellets are observed in the leaves spray Neem oil @ 2ml/ L or Spinosad 45 SC @ 0.75ml/L of water but if the infestation is severe with round to oblong holes then spray Emamectin benzoate 5 SG @ 0.5 g/L or Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC @ 0.5 ml/L of water during evening hours.
Poultry –Mahak Singh and Talimoa
1. Avoid overcrowding.
2. Give proper ventilation.
3. Drinkers and feeders should be washed and dried in bright sunlight, if possible once every day.
4. Deworm and vaccinate regularly on schedule.
5. Layer should be provided 14 hours of bright light daily.
6. During severe heat stress, provide electrolytes (ORS) and multivitamin.
7. Rake and turn over deep litter once every week.
8. If deep litter moisture is excessive run a ceiling fan and additionally sprinkle lime or bleaching powder.
Piggery – Mahak Singh and Talimoa
1. Provide plenty of water and wash the pigs with clean water on hot days.
2. Residual dung in pens should be removed.
3. Drinker and feeding trough should be cleaned every day.
4. Leftover feed should not be refed.
5. Females in heat should be served 24 hours after standing heat.
6. Breeding boars should be serve only one sow per day and should not be allowed to serve more than 3 times a week.
7. Deworm and vaccinate on schedule.
8. Disinfect entire piggery operation with bleach or sodium hypochlorite atleast once a week.