Which are the leading career options for young Nagas ?

Those who chose Government servant had to say

• Parents think that their children are a failure if they don’t get govt. jobs because there are few opportunities for other options. So the young people are stuck in life with those exams which change their pattern every year.

Those who chose private entrepreneur had to say

• Nagaland suffering from unemployment is mainly due to most youngsters relying on Government jobs.Nagas should now change their mentality and go for private jobs andhelp in the development of Nagaland.
• No more Government job. Naga young boys and girls wants to internationalize themselves, but this people were not giving any opportunities till today. All the money has been finished by corrupt politician and bureaucrats all the time and if given opportunity young Naga youths can develop better than Bangkok or Singapore.

• Government jobs are boring as it does not give a person the satisfaction and fulfillment that a job should give. 

Those who chose others had to say

• Self employment, be it laborer, hawkers, cobblers, etc. It can solve the Naga problem    with ease as long as the youth takes up with integrity.

• Like joining a Call Center in big cities, Part time project works with NGOs, Start a small business and become a private school teacher. These are some of the only few options left for young people. The few Government jobs are too hard to get. Starting a private enterprise involves a lot of money and needs to have good contacts.

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